
There are 8 repositories under switch-statements topic.

  • shawty/Csharp8features

    This is my demo project for the C# and Dotnet Core 3/3.1 new features presentation I delivered at hainton .NET UG in January/Febuary 2020

  • AntonV0/redux-road

    Project #52 of Codecademy's Full Stack Engineer Career Path

  • Rathorekhushal/Basic-to-Advance-

    Here, I will provide a Java course covering topics from basic to advanced, with step-by-step instructions and corresponding code examples.

  • JuanSamuelArbelaez/calcularAltura

    Programa que calcula la altura de una persona, basado en su género, y la longitud de un hueso determinado. Solución al ejercicio propuesto en el espacio académico Programación 1 (2021-2).

  • subhajitroycode/RPSLS-game

    Prepare for a geeky showdown with Sheldon Cooper in the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Game. Engage in 5 rounds of witty gameplay, filled with humorous coding, quirky classes, and easy resets for endless fun. Can you outwit Sheldon in this comical battle of wits?

  • codeadamca/php-if-switch

    A basic example of using PHP to make decisions.

  • loosenthedark/learnjavascriptfast-reaction-game-project

    Reaction game built using vanilla JavaScript by coding along to project tutorials and walkthroughs from Learn JavaScript Fast: https://learnjavascriptfast.com/project-a-simple-javascript-reaction-game/

  • mileuc/drum-kit

    A drum kit website made in mid-November of 2020 using more advanced JavaScript and DOM Manipulation concepts. Gained a greater understanding of click and keyboard event listeners, JavaScript objects and higher-order functions, and switch statements. Also learned how add basic animations and sounds. Clicking a button or pressing a key listed in the drum kit should play the corresponding sound.
