
There are 13 repositories under systemidentification topic.

  • DanielMartensson/CControl

    Using advanced control and computer vision techniques in an easy way for embedded

  • DanielMartensson/MataveID

    System identification toolbox for GNU Octave and MATLAB

  • ali-ece/Design-and-modeling-of-adaptive-IIR-filtering-systems-using-a-weighted-sum-variable-length-PSO

    Design and modeling of adaptive IIR filtering systems using a weighted sum - variable length particle swarm optimization

  • ali-ece/A-Modified-Inclined-Planes-system-Optimization-MIPO-Algorithm

    With the aim of create a powerful trade-off between the concepts of exploitation and exploration, and rectify the complexity of their structural parameters in the standard IPO, a modified version of IPO (called MIPO) is introduced as an efficient optimization algorithm for digital infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters model identification. The MIPO utilizes an appropriate mechanism based on the executive steps of algorithm with the constant damp factors.

  • ali-ece/Inclined-planes-system-optimization-theory-literature-review-and-state-of-the-art-versions-for-II

    The Inclined Planes System Optimization (IPO) algorithm is recent algorithm that uses Newton’s second law to perform optimization. After conducting a thorough literature review, this paper proposes an improved version of IPO called IIPO. This improvement is achieved by changing exploratory and exploitative behavior of the standard IPO proportional to the progress of optimization (iteration). The IIPO is employed for optimizing IIR digital filter design, which is a challenging engineering problem. Adaptive IIR modeling as a multimodal optimization problem is designed and developed under system identification structure with an appropriate single-objective function in the frequency domain. Implementations are performed in both modeling cases with same and reduced orders, and under two identification forms with and without environmental additive noise. The results are reported along with various analyzes compared to a wide range of IPO variants. The statistical results on 100 independent trials show a success of more than 90% of cases, the proposed IIPO algorithm substantially outperforms other comparative algorithms in terms of accuracy of estimated coefficients, convergence, fitness, output responses, noise analysis, stability, and reliability.

  • maciejzj/maze-bot

    Arduino/ATMega based MazeBot mobile robot created for a project at Silesian University of Technology, features control system for DC motors drive.

  • Abdelrahmanhm23/Pirates14-ARM-Cortex-M4

    ROBOCON Egypt's Champion

  • frc6506/FRC-Code-2022

    2022 command-based robot code

  • JeremyKTH/Gearbox-Oil-Conditioning-System

    System identification and Controller design

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • lphoogenboom/trainSmartInsteadOfHard

    Bachelor's Thesis on System Identification using Matlab

  • hjlevy/mimo_sysid

    UCLA Linear Systems Project

  • anubhabghosh/ParamEstimation

    This is the repository for code relevant to DeepBayes estimators using RNNs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10