
There are 4 repositories under task-incremental-learning topic.

  • GMvandeVen/continual-learning

    PyTorch implementation of various methods for continual learning (XdG, EWC, SI, LwF, FROMP, DGR, BI-R, ER, A-GEM, iCaRL, Generative Classifier) in three different scenarios.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1.6k2830312
  • nazmul-karim170/CNLL

    [CVPR'22] Official Implementation of "CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach for Continual Noisy Label Learning"

  • apurba-nsu-rnd-lab/SAN

    [ICPR 2022] Official Implementation of the paper "Rethinking Task-Incremental Learning Baselines" accepted in the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.

  • mmasana/TernaryFeatureMasks

    Implementation of "Ternary Feature Masks: zero-forgetting for task-incremental learning"