
There are 5 repositories under temporal-link-prediction topic.

  • KuroginQin/OpenTLP

    [ACM Computing Surveys'23] Implementations or refactor of some temporal link prediction/dynamic link prediction methods and summary of related open resources for survey paper "Temporal Link Prediction: A Unified Framework, Taxonomy, and Review" which has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys.

  • iodike/ChronoKGE

    ChronoKGE - A knowledge graph embedding framework for time-focused representation learning (RepL4NLP @ ACL 2022)

  • KuroginQin/IDEA

    [TKDE'23] Demo code of the paper entitled "High-Quality Temporal Link Prediction for Weighted Dynamic Graphs via Inductive Embedding Aggregation", which has been accepted by IEEE TKDE

  • gerritjandebruin/temporal-link-prediction

    Code used in `Supervised temporal link prediction in large-scale real-world networks'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4106
  • stephenyang/dynamic-Edge-Partition-Models

    Dynamic Edge Partition Models for Overlapping Community Detection and Temporal Links Prediction
