
There are 4 repositories under test-set topic.

  • Aravinda89/split_train_eval_test

    splitting image dataset into train, val, test sets

  • PhilSchoeb/winequality_classif

    Classification of wine quality using a hard_parzen and a soft_parzen with gaussian kernel models

  • iamluirio/lstm-sentiment-analysis

    Goal is to identify an appropriate pipeline to obtain good performance on the dataset, using LSTM neural network approaches.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Breast-Cancer-Prediction


    This is a Logistic Regression Model that predicts the Breast Cancer is Benign or Malignant . With various independent attributes such as Clump thickness, Uniformity of cell size , Mitoses, Uniformity of Cell Shape , Bare Nuclei and various other attributes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook