
There are 5 repositories under texas-state-university topic.

  • g-thacker/online-store-web-app

    Web app using a Java servlet to pull product inventory from a MySQL database; makes use of cookies, sessions, and filters; completed as an assignment for Texas State University course CIS 4318

  • g-thacker/car-rental-mobile-app

    Android app for viewing and updating rental car daily rates stored on Firebase using JSON; completed as an assignment for CIS4321 at Texas State University

  • g-thacker/cis3389-final-exam

    My submission for the final exam for Texas State University course CIS 3389 -- Data Processing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • g-thacker/temperature-converter

    A C#/Windows Forms app similar to one submitted for the first exam (i.e. recreated from memory after leaving class) in Texas State University course CIS 3325

  • phguo/Alfred-TXState-Paper

    An Alfred 4 workflow to transform a paper URL into TXState library proxy URL.