
There are 35 repositories under text-corpus topic.

  • miras-tech/MirasText


  • Ermlab/PoLitBert

    Polish RoBERTA model trained on Polish literature, Wikipedia, and Oscar. The major assumption is that quality text will give a good model.

  • mrzjy/StarrailDialog

    A project that extracts Honkai: Star Rail text corpus

  • t-systems-on-site-services-gmbh/german-wikipedia-text-corpus

    This is a german text corpus from Wikipedia. It is cleaned, preprocessed and sentence splitted. It's purpose is to train NLP embeddings like fastText or ELMo Deep contextualized word representations.

  • WING-NUS/nus-sms-corpus

    This is the distribution point for the NUS SMS Corpus as described and updated from This is a corpus of SMS (Short Message Service) messages collected for research at the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. This dataset consists of 67,093 SMS messages taken from the corpus on Mar 9, 2015. The messages largely originate from Singaporeans and mostly from students attending the University. These messages were collected from volunteers who were made aware that their contributions were going to be made publicly available. The data collectors opportunistically collected as much metadata about the messages and their senders as possible, so as to enable different types of analyses. This corpus was collected by Tao Chen and Min-Yen Kan. If you use this data, please ensure the following paper is cited. For more details, please refer to Citation field. Tao Chen and Min-Yen Kan (2013). Creating a Live, Public Short Message Service Corpus: The NUS SMS Corpus. Language Resources and Evaluation, 47(2)(2013), pages 299-355. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10579-012-9197-9

  • AsoSoft/AsoSoft-Text-Corpus

    AsoSoft Text Corpus is the first large scale text corpus for the Kurdish language.

  • nikitaeverywhere/edu-text-analysis-experiments

    Statistical text analysis and semantic networks with Python

  • lucylow/Yeezy-Taught-Me

    Yeezy Taught Me Text Generation. Training next character predictions RNN LSTM model with user input text corpus

  • jonsafari/habeas-corpus

    Command-line corpus tools

  • JuliusBahr/SimpleSimilarity

    A framework for semantic text search

  • appeler/search_names

    Search a long list of names (patterns) in a large text corpus systematically and quickly

  • jcrippen/tlingit-corpus

    Text corpus the of Tlingit language for linguistic research.

  • luonglearnstocode/Seinfeld-text-corpus

    text corpus :page_with_curl: scraped from the scripts :speech_balloon: of all Seinfeld episodes

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6200
  • thecsw/katya-dev

    Katya or The Liberated Corpus a text corpus that allows you to request and scrape any web resource!

  • capetocape/crawl-text-title-as-corpus

    Crawling data from websites as text corpus

  • Chandra-cc/Tesseract_ICR-Sheets

    A model was trained using Google handwritten Fonts using a text corpus containing only digits ranging from 0-9. The main aim was to recognize ICR sheets from such trained data. Our model gave an accuracy of 94.6% using Tesseract Version-4.

  • cligs/conha19

    Corpus de novelas hispanoamericanas del siglo XIX (conha19)

  • kurpicz/tcc

    Text Corpus Collection

  • DroppedText_Corpus


    A text corpus collection for the DroppedText language.

  • soumyadeepghoshGG/Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis-with-NLP

    Using natural language processing techniques to determine the sentiment expressed in a tweet, classified as positive or negative.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • TextCorpusLabs/wikimedia

    Walk through to convert WikiMedia into a text corpus

  • alexlilia/igc-corpus-reader

    This is a tool which can be used to index and query a large XML-based text corpus using Elasticsearch.

  • hari8github/NLP

    Sentiment analysis models using NLP and other important basics of NLP and subwords and a song lyric generator!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • jdave23/EAD-corpus

    A collection of encoded archival description XML documents for text and content analysis.

  • RedditEpidemicAnalysis/data

    Data collection scripts for analysis of Reddit

  • s-bose7/ngram-viewer

    Exploring the history of word usage in English texts with a weighted popularity history plot.

  • skyisveryblue1/corpus-filter

    Simple utility to filter out text corpus according to frequencies of words consisting sentences in it

  • TextCorpusLabs/congressional-votes

    Walk through to convert congressional roll call votes into a text corpus

  • TextCorpusLabs/covid19

    Walk through to convert Kaggle's COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge into a text corpus

  • TextCorpusLabs/NJGovNews

    Web scraping of the New Jersey news feeds

  • TextCorpusLabs/oas

    Walk through to convert PMC OAS Dataset into a text corpus

  • WHOSpeeches/WHODataHub

    Collect the WHO's Director General's speeches.

  • AbdullahButt2611/TextAnalyzer

    "Text Analyzer" is a web application designed to analyze any given text or script and provide users with useful information about its contents.

  • alla-g/NLP2020

    Final project for Natural language processing course in final_project_diary folder

    Language:Jupyter Notebook001
  • motazsaad/corpus-expander

    Expanding sentences in a given text corpus. The code checks for NE in sentences and create new sentences by injecting new NEs from NE list.
