
There are 5 repositories under text-regression topic.

  • fmpr/CrowdLayer

    A neural network layer that enables training of deep neural networks directly from crowdsourced labels (e.g. from Amazon Mechanical Turk) or, more generally, labels from multiple annotators with different biases and levels of expertise.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook672220
  • shubhpawar/Automated-Essay-Scoring

    Automated Essay Scoring on The Hewlett Foundation dataset on Kaggle

    Language:Jupyter Notebook323013
  • tychen5/NLP_FakeNewsDetection

    Using machine learning & deep learning to analyze the News

    Language:Jupyter Notebook30105
  • DunnBC22/NLP_Projects

    Repository for My HuggingFace Natural Language Processing Projects

    Language:Jupyter Notebook29515
  • mim-solutions/mim_nlp

    A Python package with ready-to-use models for various NLP tasks and text preprocessing utilities. The implementation allows fine-tuning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3400