
There are 23 repositories under text-tokenization topic.

  • alasdairforsythe/tokenmonster

    Ungreedy subword tokenizer and vocabulary trainer for Python, Go & Javascript

  • twardoch/split-markdown4gpt

    A Python tool for splitting large Markdown files into smaller sections based on a specified token limit. This is particularly useful for processing large Markdown files with GPT models, as it allows the models to handle the data in manageable chunks.

  • SayamAlt/Resume-Classification-using-fine-tuned-BERT

    Successfully developed a resume classification model which can accurately classify the resume of any person into its corresponding job with a tremendously high accuracy of more than 99%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7103
  • adilrasheed139/AI-Powered-Resume-Screening-using-BERT

    Successfully developed a resume classification model which can accurately classify the resume of any person into its corresponding job with a tremendously high accuracy of more than 99%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • cedrickchee/tokenizers

    💥Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production

  • katanabana/Nihotip

    Nihotip is a web app that lets users explore Japanese text through interactive tokenization and detailed insights. Built with React and Python, it offers a dynamic way to analyze words and symbols with tooltips for deeper understanding.

  • markiskorova/Machine-Learning-NLP-Predict-Author

    Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing: Reads Classic Novels and Predicts the Author of a Phrase

  • muthu-kumar-u/Speech-Recognition-RNN

    Deep learning-based subtitle generation model that processes audio datasets to generate accurate text transcriptions. Includes audio feature extraction, encoder-decoder architecture, training pipelines, and evaluation metrics for subtitle alignment.

  • SayamAlt/Fake-News-Classification-using-fine-tuned-BERT

    Successfully developed a text classification model to predict whether a given news text is fake or not by fine-tuning a pretrained BERT transformed model imported from Hugging Face.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • SayamAlt/Financial-News-Sentiment-Analysis

    Successfully developed a fine-tuned DistilBERT transformer model which can accurately predict the overall sentiment of a piece of financial news up to an accuracy of nearly 81.5%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • SayamAlt/News-Category-Classification

    Successfully developed a news category classification model using fine-tuned BERT which can accurately classify any news text into its respective category i.e. Politics, Business, Technology and Entertainment.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • Software-Research-Lab/dropsuit-tok

    The tok function is a JavaScript and Node.js function that processes object instances and tokenizes text arrays. It returns tokenized words number, tokenized words array, and tokenized words concatenated string. It's part of the open-source DropSuit NLP library under the Apache License 2.0.

  • victoryosiobe/kingchop

    Kingchop ⚔️ is a JavaScript English based library for tokenizing text (chopping text). It uses vast rules for tokenizing, and you can adjust them easily.

  • LokeshKenche/ISP_ChatBot

    ISPY ChatBot ISPY is a chatbot designed for ISP customer service, providing automated responses and assistance for various queries such as connection issues, payments, and service requests. Built using Python with libraries like nltk and newspaper3k, it simulates conversation and handles customer interactions effectively.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Aalaa4444/Text_Processing-and-Unique_Word_Extraction_fromHTML

    Extract text content from an HTML page, process it, and extract unique words from the processed text. This notebook utilizes various text processing techniques including cleaning, normalization, tokenization, lemmatization or stemming, and stop words removal.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • gudashashank/EqualEyes

    The project aimed to push image captioning technology forward by combining recent advances in image recognition and language modeling to generate novel, descriptive captions that go beyond just naming objects and actions

  • SayamAlt/Customer-Support-Chatbot-using-NLTK

    Successfully developed a chatbot model which can provide accurate and concise responses to a wide variety of customer queries regarding the services offered by a particular company as well as general topics.

  • SayamAlt/Cyberbullying-Classification-using-fine-tuned-DistilBERT

    Successfully fine-tuned a pretrained DistilBERT transformer model that can classify social media text data into one of 4 cyberbullying labels i.e. ethnicity/race, gender/sexual, religion and not cyberbullying with a remarkable accuracy of 99%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • SayamAlt/English-to-Spanish-Language-Translation-using-Seq2Seq-and-Attention

    Successfully established a Seq2Seq with attention model which can perform English to Spanish language translation up to an accuracy of almost 97%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • SayamAlt/Global-News-Headlines-Text-Summarization

    Successfully established a text summarization model using Seq2Seq modeling with Luong Attention, which can give a short and concise summary of the global news headlines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • SayamAlt/Luxury-Apparel-Product-Category-Classification-using-fine-tuned-DistilBERT

    Successfully developed a multiclass text classification model by fine-tuning pretrained DistilBERT transformer model to classify various distinct types of luxury apparels into their respective categories i.e. pants, accessories, underwear, shoes, etc.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • SayamAlt/Mental-Health-Classification-using-fine-tuned-DistilBERT

    Successfully established a multiclass text classification model by fine-tuning pretrained DistilBERT transformer model to classify several distinct types of mental health statuses such as anxiety, stress, personality disorder, etc. with an accuracy of 77%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • SayamAlt/Symptoms-Disease-Text-Classification

    Successfully developed a fine-tuned BERT transformer model which can accurately classify symptoms to their corresponding diseases upto an accuracy of 89%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10