
There are 43 repositories under text-vectorization topic.

  • ContextLab/hypertools

    A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into high-dimensional data

  • mkearney/wactor

    Word Factor Vectors

  • amansrivastava17/bns-short-text-similarity

    📖 Use Bi-normal Separation to find document vectors which is used to compute similarity for shorter sentences.

  • mansipatel2508/Yelp-Review-Stars-Prediction-with-Machine-Learning

    The project has text vectorization, handling big data with merging and cleaning the text and getting the required columns while boosting the performance by feature extraction and parameter tuning for NN, compares the Performances through applied different models treating the problem as classification and regression both.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8213
  • Rishabbh-Sahu/information_retrieval

    Given a document, identifying the closest documents within the list of documents using tf-idf matrix and cosine similarity

  • rtimbro185/syr_mads_ist736_text_mining

    Syracuse University, Masters of Applied Data Science - IST 736 Text Mining

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • SarangGami/Topic-modeling-on-News-Articles-Unsupervised-Learning

    In this project, task involves analyzing the content of the articles to extract key concepts and themes that are discussed across the articles to identify major themes/topics across a collection of BBC news articles.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • Minku-Koo/Comment-Sentiment-Analysis

    Comment Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning

  • ni3choudhary/Toxic-Comment-Classifier

    A DL project that helps in classifying Toxic Comment weather it is positive or not.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • CCRss/topic_modeling_top2vec_scientific-texts

    A diploma project focused on vectorizing scientific texts using the Top2Vec algorithm, with the aim of analyzing thematic groups, identifying trends, and visualizing the dynamics of interest in various topics in the field of computer science.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • Chronos-Asteri/movie-recommender-system-v1

    Using text-vectorization and similarity-based-matrix computation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • dmitriitimoshenko/govectorize

    This is a Go lib that helps converting a slice of strings into a slice of vectors

  • IanCarmona/Recommendation-Songs-Taylor-Swift

    This program is a project carried out in the Natural Language Processing course, which is a Taylor Swift song recommender. It utilizes topics such as sentiment analysis in texts, text vectorization, and the removal of stopwords.

  • markiskorova/Machine-Learning-NLP-Predict-Author

    Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing: Reads Classic Novels and Predicts the Author of a Phrase

  • nainiayoub/demystifying-nlp

    demistifying nlp with a series of nlp implementation notebooks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • NikosMav/FakeNews-Classification

    In this notebook we analyze and classify news articles using machine learning techniques, including Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forests. Explore text vectorization and NLP for accurate news categorization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • rid17pawar/Sentiment-Analysis-Model-Experiments

    Experiments in the field of Sentiment Analysis using ML Algorithms namely Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes along with tfidf, one hot encoding, bag of words vectorization. Different MLP and RNN models viz. LSTM, GRU, Bidirectional LSTM. Lastly, state of the art BERT model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1201
  • rosette-api-community/visualize-embeddings

    A simple Python script for transforming a corpus of documents into text vectors suitable for visualization

  • sergio11/headline_generation_lstm_transformers

    Explore advanced neural networks for crafting captivating headlines! Compare LSTM 🔄 and Transformer 🔀 models through interactive notebooks 📓 and easy-to-use wrapper classes 🛠️. Ideal for content creators and data enthusiasts aiming to automate and enhance headline generation ✨.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • singh-l/Clustering_Repo

    Clustering text using text vectorization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook100
  • Vidhi1290/ScienceQA-Insights-Exploring-with-LLMs

    Predictive Text Analysis project! This repository contains code for predicting answers to science exam questions using advanced natural language processing techniques. Check out the code and results!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • alla-g/infosearch_hw

    Homeworks and final project for Infosearch course

  • Ganesh2409/Course-Recommendation-System

    🚀 Course Recommendation System is a machine learning-powered web application designed to recommend similar courses from Coursera's vast dataset of over 3,000 courses. Built using Python, Scikit-learn, and Streamlit, the app preprocesses course data, applies text vectorization, and leverages cosine similarity to offer personalized recommendations.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • jaunel/Content-Based---Movie-Recommender-System

    This project is a Recommendation based project. Similar movies will be recommended based upon the content of the movie. I have used ML algorithm & BOW technique of NLP for our model. An interactive web page is also designed using streamlit library for next level user experience.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • kulwinderkk/recipe_recommender_nlp

    This project is an unsupervised NLP-based recipe recommender system designed to provide personalized recipe suggestions. The system employs content-based filtering techniques, utilizing cosine similarity to measure the resemblance between user inputs and a database of recipes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0103
  • ndgigliotti/ndg-tools

    Data science and NLP tools developed for my own use.

  • ns-nexus/Movie-Recommender-System

    Movie Recommender System leverages a content-based approach, suggesting films to users based on the attributes of movies they have previously enjoyed. By analyzing movie metadata such as genre, cast, director, keywords, etc., this project offers personalized recommendations aligned with users' cinematic tastes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Vanaub22/Movie-Recommender-App

    This is a Content-based Movie Recommendation App wherein the user can type in a particular movie that he/she has enjoyed and can get the names and posters of top 5 similar movies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • vlada-pv/Prediction-Sociolinguistic-Data-Based-on-the-Diaries-Texts-of-the-Prozhito-Project

    The repository contains notebooks created for collecting and preprocessing the corpus of diary entries and for experiments on creating models for predicting gender, age groups of authors and the time period of text creation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • aditya-bhatt-coder/Movie-Recommender-System

    A dynamic Movie Recommender web app using ML text vectorization technique to suggest the user with similar kind of movies and their posters.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • avd1729/Movie-Reviews-Classification

    IMDB movie review classification using neural network (text-vectorization v/s word-embeddings)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • LorenzoRottigni/ML-text-vectorization

    Machine Learning course of Piero Savastano 3: CountVectorizer

  • pavansaipendry/sentiment-analysis-using-social-networks

    The project finds the emotion in the given text. It takes input in a text/sentence format through the User or through Twitter API.

  • SayamAlt/E-Commerce-Text-Classification

    Successfully established a machine learning model that can accurately classify an e-commerce product into one of four categories, namely "Books", "Clothing & Accessories", "Household" and "Electronics", based on the product's description.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • tejangupta/Movie-Recommender-System

    A content based movie recommender system.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • thatdamncoder/whats-next-on-netflix

    Content Based Movie Recommendation System | Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10