
There are 83 repositories under textgeneration topic.

  • yxuansu/SimCTG

    [NeurIPS'22 Spotlight] A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation

  • SALT-NLP/MixText

    MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden Space for Semi-Supervised Text Classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook34963460
  • mar-muel/artificial-self-AMLD-2020

    Workshop material for the AMLD 2020 workshop on "Meet your Artificial Self: Generate text that sounds like you"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook814216
  • morpheuslord/CVE-llm_dataset

    This is a dataset intended to train a LLM model for a completely CVE focused input and output.

  • r-tensorflow/gpt2

    R Interface to OpenAI's GPT-2 model

  • Bhavik-Jikadara/Content-Generation-Workflow

    Implementing a scalable content team using AI involves creating a framework that blends the strengths of AI technologies with the creative and supervisory capabilities of human team members. This strategy aims to enhance efficiency, creativity, and content output quality.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18104
  • NatashaSvic/NLP_Spanish_Sentiment_Anaylsis_Text_Generation

    Machine Learning + LSTM Implementation to capture sentiments surrouding the Colombian elections in 2018. Sentiment analysis entirely on Spanish tweets with interesting external data sourcing.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook184011
  • jungwhank/fake-review-generator

    Generate fake restaurant reviews with GPT-2 using Yelp Dataset

  • SALT-NLP/Disfluency-Generation-and-Detection

    Code for "Planning and Generating Natural and Diverse Disfluent Texts as Augmentation for Disfluency Detection"

  • thu-coai/NAST

    Codes for "NAST: A Non-Autoregressive Generator with Word Alignment for Unsupervised Text Style Transfer" (ACL 2021 findings)

  • DongfeiJi/OCRDataGenerator


  • SALT-NLP/FormalityStyleTransfer

    Code for "Semi-supervised Formality Style Transfer using Language Model Discriminator and Mutual Information Maximization"

  • ShahabSH94/AutoCompleter

    Auto Complete anything using a gguf model

  • StevenYuan666/Awesome-Diffusion-Models-for-NLP

    📰 Must-read papers on Diffusion Models for Text Generation 🔥

  • basil-b2s/Sithara-Music-Box

    A Bidirectional LSTM Model for lyrics generation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5121
  • sebaxzero/Juridia

    A Query-Answer chatbot for PDFs using local Large language and Embeddings models. Please read this readme fully before using.

  • AkashKobal/Blog-Generation-Platform

    This repository contains code for generating blog content using the LLama 2 language model. It integrates with Streamlit for easy user interaction. Simply input your blog topic, desired word count, and writing style to generate engaging blog content.

  • lzfelipe/discord-ai-tts-bot

    Discord Bot that combines functionalities from Eleven Labs and OpenAI API.

  • smkatash/AI_projects

    By following the tutorial on TensorFlow , I generated a text using a character-based Recurrent Neural Networks. Dataset is based on Shakespeare's writing. Given a sequence of characters from the data, a LSTM-based model is trained to predict the next character in the sequence.

  • DidlDimpfe/TextGenerator

    Create beautiful texts in your Minecraft world and customize it however you want!

  • NIKK0001/Text-Generation-By-using-GPT-2

    Text Generation By Using GPT-2 Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • ThinamXx/ImageSegmentation_with_CamVid

    In this repository, I have used Fastai Datasets to perform Image Segmentation and I have checked the accuracy of the Model. For this project, I have used Fastai Library to create the model and to check the accuracy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • abdulsam/NLP_Projects_HuggingFace

    NLP with Transformers and HuggingFace

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • BenjaminWegener/gpt-2-simple

    actively maintained python package to easily retrain OpenAI's GPT-2 text-generating model on new texts using tensorflow v1 (with AMD / Intel GPU using directml)

  • DhruvSurajSingh2002/Text-Generation-from-Speech

    This Project involves a full speech recognition system that enables a user to transcribe and summarize podcasts, transcribe a lecture into notes, and meetings. Built with Python and Jupyter Notebook with the help of Vosk library. One can generate transcribed text from any conversation or voice!!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • fcakyon/glassdoor-review-textgenrnn

    Train char-rnn with Glassdoor reviews and generate sentences

  • Fyfy1996/unilm_chinese

    Using Unilm-Chinese to generate Chinese couplets. 使用unilm中文版来生成中文对联。

  • julesgransden/AI_Enhanced_Fitness_App

    Built a health fitness app that allows you to view your health data from a fitbit device, and implement OpenAI's GPT API to generate health reports and personalized workout schedules,

  • Kheem-Dh/Bigram-and-Trigram-Modeling

    Bigram and Trigram Language Modeling

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • LiyaUnknown/SimpleTextGeneration

    in this project i use tesorflow and python with an dataset from huging face to make smple text generation 😃🤌. if like this project you can read some article about machine learning in my Medium account 👇

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Misterius-code/StoryGenerator

    Text Generation Software Which Creates Story Based On User Input

  • NIKK0001/Text-Generation-with-Markov-Chains

    This repository contains an implementation of a simple text generation algorithm using Markov chains. The algorithm builds a statistical model that predicts the probability of a word or character based on the previous one(s). This model can then be used to generate new text that mimics the style and structure of the input text.

  • niks290192/prompt_engineering_for_devs

    Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining input queries to gen AI models, like OpenAI's GPT variants, for achieving desired output. It involves optimizing the phrasing, context, and structure of prompts to improve the AI's understanding while maintaining high-quality & creative results that cater to specific app requirements.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • voytas75/TextGenerator-PowerShell

    The PowerShell Random Text Generator is a script that generates random text based on a given model.
