
There are 11 repositories under textviews topic.

  • eriffanani/TextViewReadMore

    Android library for creating expand button on your long textview

  • kiruba-r11/Simple-Calculator

    A simple calculator app using TextViews and Buttons which can perform five basic Arithmetic Operations.

  • kiruba-r11/IPL-Auction-Bid

    A simple app using ListViews and Custom Adapter to display a complex list of items.

  • kiruba-r11/Age-in-Minutes-App

    A simple app using TextViews, DatePickerDialog and Buttons to calculate your age in minutes.

  • kiruba-r11/Hand-Cricket

    A simple game app based on the rules of "Hand Cricket" developed using TextViews, EditViews, Buttons, Intents, CardViews and Kotlin's Random class to generated random numbers in the range [1 , 6].

  • kiruba-r11/TNEB-App

    A simple app using TextViews, EditTexts, and Buttons to calculate the Electricity Bill based on the TNEB tariff.

  • KathrynMew/Android_Programming_24_know_me_app

    Android Programming Project 1. Applying knowledge learned in the first 4 weeks. Spring 2024

  • MissChurchill/ColorMyViews

    This app includes clickListeners and changing colors on buttons and textViews

  • NdaedzoPhoshoko/luckyFruitApp

    This app contains two activities written in Android Studio. It collects user data and gives a random lucky fruit for the day. User can be able to share the fruit name to other activities implicitly through a chooser. It includes Submenu items, Random class, Functions, TextViews and Buttons. Some of the custom xml files for UI design

  • OlaoreFouad/spannables

    A little demo I worked on when going through the workings of Spans, Spanned and Spannables in android. More details in README
