
There are 12 repositories under tf-idf-score topic.

  • rajtulluri/Information-Retrieval-System

    An Information retrieval system using ranked retrieval coded from scratch in Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7203
  • artisan1218/Recommendation-System

    Hybrid RecSys, CF-based RecSys, Model-based RecSys, Content-based RecSys, Finding similar items using Jaccard similarity

  • benhorvath/tempo_tfidf

    TF-IDF scores and visualizations for documents produced over time

  • Ira-bits/Meklet

    A Web based Domain Specific Search Engine in Python

  • mishra-sid/FirstStoryDetectionTwitter

    First story detection using shingling, LSH and graphical methods

  • SunlongNgouv/Web-Scraping-with-mac-power-user-forum

    This was a HTML web scraping project with Python's libraries. The objective of the project was to extract user's comments in "mac power user" forum, cleanse data, tokenize text/comments, classify and store the words in datafrom.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2300
  • pareshg18/Location-prediction

    Predicted geo-location of 80,000 tweets based on just its contents by finding Location Indicative Words and achieved 74% accuracy

  • qzhao19/TF-IDF-Map-Reduce

    Calculate the TF-IDF score using parallel algorithms

  • sarry971/Nepali-Text-Summarizer-

    This is NLP based project, completed during FALL of 2020 for CSE 4022 - Natural Language Processing. Nepali Text Summarizer circulates on the idea of tf-idf and cosine similarity.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • adityatripathiiit/Scholaris

    A crowdsourced search engine, which will return the specifics about professors depending on various types of search queries.

  • DSCmatter/TF-IDF-Document_Scorer

    TF-IDF (Term frequency, Inverse Document Frequency) is an algorithm or way to score the importance of words (or 'terms') based on how frequently they appear

  • priyendumori/Wiki-Search-Engine

    A complete search engine experience built on top of 75 GB Wikipedia corpus with subsecond latency for searches. Results contain wiki pages ordered by TF/IDF relevance based on given search word/s. From an optimized code to the K-Way mergesort algorithm, this project addresses latency, indexing, and big data challenges.
