
There are 51 repositories under tfidfvectorizer topic.

  • ksdkamesh99/Phony-News-Classifier

    Phony News Classifier is a repository which contains analysis of a natural language processing application i.e fake news classifier with the help of various text preprocessing strategies like bag of words,tfidf vectorizer,lemmatization,Stemming with Naive bayes and other deep learning RNN (LSTM) and maintaining the detailed accuracy below

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11201
  • nano-bot01/Movie-Recommender-Web-Application

    Movie Recommendation System based on machine learning concepts

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9100
  • pemagrg1/Magic-Of-TFIDF

    TFIDF being the most basic and simple topic in NLP, there's alot that can be done using TFIDF only! So, in this repo, I'll be adding the blog, TFIDF basics, wonders done using tfidf etc.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8203
  • bumblebee26/TheSocialComment-Challenge

    Posts/Feeds recommendation engine based on content based and collaborative filtering methods

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7201
  • Bakar31/Resume-Match-NLP

    Hire the Perfect candidate. HackerEarth Competitions solution.

  • chiraag-kakar/FUND

    An NLP model to detect fake news and accurately classify a piece of news as REAL or FAKE trained on dataset provided by Kaggle.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • RalphGradien/HomeWorkoutRecommendations

    Python-based web application, Flask platform, utilizes a powerful Content-Based Filtering Algorithm to provide personalized recommendations excercises

  • ramarav/Fake_News_Detection

    Machine learning approach for fake news detection using Scikitlearn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4000
  • AVINEET-Singh/Movie-Recommendation_System

    In this project we are comparing two approaches for movie recommendation for a new user or existing user based on their age, gender, occupation.

  • chandlergibbons/Machine-Learning-Medical-Transcription-Project

    For our final project, our group chose to use a dataset (from Kaggle) that contained medical transcriptions and the respective medical specialties (4998 datapoints). We chose to implement multiple supervised classification machine learning models - after heavily working on the corpora - to see if we were able to correctly classify the medical specialty based on the transcription text.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3000
  • kuldeep27396/Real_News

    Learned to detect fake news with Python. We took a political dataset, implemented a TfidfVectorizer, initialized a PassiveAggressiveClassifier, and fit our model. We ended up obtaining an accuracy of 92.82% in magnitude.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • nano-bot01/Fake-News-Prediction-System-

    Fake News Prediction System using logistic regression, stopwords, nltk

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • rochitasundar/Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis

    Data consists of tweets scrapped using Twitter API. Objective is sentiment labelling using a lexicon approach, performing text pre-processing (such as language detection, tokenisation, normalisation, vectorisation), building pipelines for text classification models for sentiment analysis, followed by explainability of the final classifier

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • abdulkaaa/Deteksi-Berita-Palsu-dengan-Python

    Penerapan TF-IDF Vectorizer dan Passive Aggressive Classifier dalam pendeteksian berita palsu dengan Python.

  • LaurentVeyssier/Text-Classification-with-3-key-NLP-techniques

    Use Key NLP techniques to classify news articles into categories: Bag_of_Words (tf-Idf), word embeddings and BERT language model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • MingalievDinar/sentiment-analysis

    The aim - is to develop a model that will give accurate predictions for the customer's test sample, but the training sample for is not given. It should be collected by parsing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • mithu975/fakenews

    Fake news classifier model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • SannketNikam/Intents-based-Chatbot

    Intents-Based Chatbot with Streamlit

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • Shubha23/Fake-News-Detection-Text-Preprocessing-and-Classification

    Fake new detection using text classification as real or fake news segments. Required installations - Python 3.8, NLTK, Scikit-Learn, Jupyter. Text cleaning, tokenization, vectorization, classification model generation and evaluation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • SonicStrain/News-Reliability-tester

    Detecting 'FAKE' news using machine learning.

  • Anshul21107/SMS-Spam-Classifier

    SMS Spam Classifier is a machine learning project that classifies SMS messages as either spam or not spam (ham).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • curiousnish/fake-news-detector

    Detect FAKE news using sklearn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • harshith20/emotion_detector

    Machine learning model to predict emotions throught text

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • huangjunxin/Lite-sklearn-TfidfVectorizer

    A Lite Implementation of sklearn TfidfVectorizer

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • PROxZIMA/Movie-Recommendation-System

    Movie recommendation system using TfidfVectorizer, NearestNeighbors

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • ridhika123269/Movie-Recommendation-System-using-ML

    This projects aims to recommend movies to the user based on high similarity scores among them.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • sanjjayrj/Chatbot-NLTK

    A Simple conversational chatbot built using NLU concepts. The project uses reddit comments taken from 2015, which has about 1.7 billiion interactions.

  • Serfati/imdb_nlp

    :robot: Sentiment Analysis using IMDb Reviews. The project contains TfidfVectorizer for representing text in numeric form. :movie_camera:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Thilagavijayan/Data_Dredge

    This webapp helps to find the inaccurate information around the world through news

  • wolfsinem/product-tagging

    Part of an internal project for my internship

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • elmezianech/Email-Spam-Ham-Classifier-LR

    Email Classifier: A machine learning project using Python that categorizes emails into spam and ham (non-spam). Utilizes the Scikit-Learn library, employing logistic regression and TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) vectorization for text analysis and classification.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • kirankonduru3/Movie-reccomendation-system

    A content-based recommender system that recommends movies similar to the movie plot and description

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • bhaskrr/amazon-books-4-class-rating-prediction

    This repository holds the dataset and notebooks for the Amazon Books dataset 4 class Rating prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • john-neg/full-text-search

    ML Full text search system. Flask, Selenium parser, preprocessing, TF-IDF, Word2Vec

  • RohiniMeghana/Flipkart-Sentimental-analysis

    This project is based on the analysis of the reviews and ratings user gives on Flipkart to make others aware of their experience and moreover about the quality of the product and brand. So, by analyzing that data we can tell the users a lot about the products and also the ways to enhance the quality of the product.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook