
There are 27 repositories under time-saver topic.

  • michaelx/Launchbot

    A startpage to open collections of websites with one click. It’s like restoring tabs, but anywhere.

  • ecoify/chrome-extension

    Chrome extension to speed up browsing and reduce carbon emissions

  • vhoulbreque/fasttext-tuning

    :chart_with_upwards_trend: Find your fasttext hyperparameters quickly and easily.

  • ProtocolNebula/ts-openapi-generator

    :hammer_and_pick: Generate API, Model, and Mocks files from Swagger/OpenAPI to use in any project (java, ts, js, PHP, angular...)

  • ecoify/firefox-extension

    Firefox extension to speed up browsing and reduce carbon emissions

  • freezer278/laravel_admin_panel

    An admin panel generator for Laravel Framework very similar to backpack, but with cleaner code and all features fully working

  • DatapaloozaCO/datapalooza_cover_letters

    Revolutionize your job applications with the Cover Letter Generator—a time-saving tool that automates the creation of polished and personalized cover letters. Crafted for efficiency, our user-friendly interface and professional formatting help you stand out in the competitive job market. Simplify your job application process today!

  • claudiajs/create-serverless

  • yagarea/Stopro

    A simple utility which will help you with self control and build work ethic

  • PsiPhiTheta/Bookmarklets

    Some useful bookmarklets written to save time.

  • NumCuts


    A GUI tool that allows you to set up custom shortcut keys that you can press to run anything on your PC or the web. Built using C++ and containing a full HTML/CSS based UI, made using NodeJS and Electron Framework.

  • hgropper/Mathnasium-Whiteboard-Adder

    During COVID where I work (Mathnasium) a math learning center became half online and half in person. I knew that the sudden transition online would contribute a lot of stress and extra work for the team. I took it upon myself to automate a very tedious task to save tons of time!

  • SkayoCrafts/Sidebar-Shortcuts

    Add customisable Shortcut-Links to the Control Panel Sidebar

  • agudpp/alias

    Productivity app for accessing content (commands, text, etc) (super) fast content using tags.

  • josejefferson/extension-switcher

    Activate and deactivate your browser extensions with just a few clicks

  • prabhjot2k/WhatsApp-time-bot

    This project helps in automating your redundant whatsapp messages, so you can focus on what matters!

  • SamGVanN/GetReadyToWork

    GetReadyToWork is a python script originally created to free its user from the repetitive daily task of launching every app he needs on its machine before being able to work.

  • danaildichev/multi-tab-opener

    A JS SPA for time released links in a new tab, with options and storage

  • DarrenSem/chop

    Poker tournament prize pool EVEN CHOP calculator (after first giving 5% to the Chip Leader). React/Redux app (single file raw source, no build tools)

  • Hrithickbiswas/Article-Summarizer

    An OpenAI article summarizer application - Simplify your reading with briefify, an open-source article summarizer that transforms lengthy articles into clear and concise summaries.

  • SardineDude1/Desk-Schedule-Auto-Population

    A Google Apps Script Project which will generate and auto populate a circulation desk schedule from a single or multiple Google Calendars.

  • shailendrasingh117/CI-CD-pipeline-to-EC2

    This project involves setting up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to deploy code from a GitHub repository to an EC2 instance.

  • skjcorp/json-to-field-constants

    This is VScode Extension which convert json object into string field constants.Those constants can be widely used while parsing apis in different languages including , dart and javascript

  • jourdanrodrigues/django-template

    From 0 to 100 in 3 commands

  • MohitChachra/HTML-files-creator

    It can create thousands of html pages using sample html pages

  • psuresh21/smartscss

    A Best sass framework for build typography, colors, grid, and many things too
