
There are 3 repositories under time-series-representation-learning topic.

  • PaddlePaddle/PaddleTS

    Awesome Easy-to-Use Deep Time Series Modeling based on PaddlePaddle, including comprehensive functionality modules like TSDataset, Analysis, Transform, Models, AutoTS, and Ensemble, etc., supporting versatile tasks like time series forecasting, representation learning, and anomaly detection, etc., featured with quick tracking of SOTA deep models.

  • aptx1231/CoST_Paddle

    A PaddlePaddle implementation of CoST: Contrastive Learning of Disentangled Seasonal-Trend Representations for Time Series Forecasting.

  • OnurVural/contrex

    CONTREX, a novel contrastive representation learning approach for multivariate time series data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook