
There are 16 repositories under tvc topic.

  • jayleicn/TVRetrieval

    [ECCV 2020] PyTorch code for XML on TVRetrieval dataset - TVR: A Large-Scale Dataset for Video-Subtitle Moment Retrieval

  • AeroVECTOR


    Model Rocket Simulator oriented to the design and tuning of active control systems, be them in the form of TVC, Active Fin Control or just parachute deployment algorithms on passively stable rockets. It is able to simulate non-linear actuator dynamics and has some limited Software in the Loop capabilities. The program computes all the subsonic aerodynamic parameters of interest and integrates the 3DOF Equations of Motion to simulate the complete flight.

  • Tejas-Rocket-Flight-Computer


    An autonomous Thrust Vector Control rocket with self-landing capability from inexpensive parts of equivalent power of the Apollo era.

  • fszewczyk/tvc-simulator

    Physics Simulation of a TVC rocket using a PID controller

  • Zentrik/TVC

    GNC to land a model rocket using TVC and a solid motor.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20244
  • DusterTheFirst/rocketry

    🚀 Thrust Vector Controlled Model Rockets

  • Curious-Nikhil/Thrust-Vector-Control-Rocket

    A model thrust vector control system to maneuver a rocket with tuned PID settings.

  • TobiasRothlin/TVC_Sytem_Arduino

    Hardware & Software Interface for a Thrust Vector Control System for the Arduino

  • hephaestus-space/Hephaestus

    Thrust Vectored Controlled rocket.

  • AlirezaAbrishami/rocketTVCSimulation

    Rocket thrust vector control simulation with a PID controller. Useful for pid tuning based on the weight and center of gravity of your rocket. Written in Qt(c++) and python to draw the charts(located in data directory).

  • Eryk-Mozdzen/uav-tvc-goose

    Single rotor, thrust vector controlled UAV

  • dikdom/TVC-Multicart-v2

    Source files of the Videoton TVC Multicart related software and hardware

  • arda-guler/SloshTVC

    Simplistic model of the thrust vector control system of a launch vehicle with propellant tank slosh.

  • Lechuga-Geronimo/AttitudeControlRockets

    An innovation project to design an alternative to the conventional rocket's attitude controllers used for rockets.

  • connor33341/AeroVECTOR

    Model Rocket Simulator oriented to the design and tuning of active control systems, be them in the form of TVC, Active Fin Control or just parachute deployment algorithms on passively stable rockets. It is able to simulate non-linear actuator dynamics and has some limited Software in the Loop capabilities. The program computes all the subsonic aero

  • Himanshukohale22/CYRUS

    This is TCV rocketry flight computer
