
There are 5 repositories under typescript-json-schema topic.

  • Eljoy/ts-jackson

    A typescript library to deserialize and serialize json into classes. You can use different path pattern to resolve deeply nested structures. Every path pattern provided by lodash/get|set object is supported. Check out src/examples as a reference.

  • nberlette/typedefs

    Opinionated collection of TypeScript definitions and utilities for Deno and Deno Deploy. With complete types for Deno/NPM/TS config files, constructed from official JSON schemas.

  • grimmer0125/ts-json-schema

    Use https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema 1. TypeScript -> Json Schema and 2. use ajv (master branch) / python jsonschema to import schema and invalidate json data.

  • owllion/EC-Server

    A server for a shopping app powered by Node.js / Express.js and incorporates MongoDB using Typegoose for data integration and modeling. Containerized with Docker for easy deployment and scalability and deployed on Heroku.

  • patarapolw/ts-openapi-fastify

    Fastify with OpenAPI and typescript-json-schema example
