
There are 4 repositories under ubuntucore topic.

  • RubensZimbres/Repo-2018

    Deep Learning Summer School + Tensorflow + OpenCV cascade training + YOLO + COCO + CycleGAN + AWS EC2 Setup + AWS IoT Project + AWS SageMaker + AWS API Gateway + Raspberry Pi3 Ubuntu Core

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17320080
  • fabolhak/ros2_pibot_motor

    motor driver for my hobby project :robot:

  • Ubun2World


    Would occur simple to some coders, but for coders and programmers of Ubuntu this repo is more than oxygen for living !

  • dnatividade/Ubuntu_core_15.04-install

    Ubuntu Core 15.04 instalation process on Gumstix Overo and off-line modules instalation
