
There are 8 repositories under udacity-ud9012 topic.

  • pawanharariya/Sleep-Tracker

    This is a sleep quality tracker app, that stores the sleep data over time in a database. It stores start time, end time and quality of sleep. The app architecture is based on MVVM architecture and uses ROOM database.

  • pawanharariya/About-Me-and-Boxes

    This project has two apps, developed while learning about layouts in Android. View styling, vector drawables, data binding, constrain layout, etc have been used, following best practices.

  • pawanharariya/Android-Bytes

    Simple app that fetches Android Dev Byte videos' information from the server to display and provides an intent that launches the corresponding video on Youtube. It implements offline cache using Room and data sync using WorkManager.

  • pawanharariya/Android-Trivia

    Trivia app with questions on android. Play and share your results. This app shows the use of various Navigation components.

  • pawanharariya/GDG-Finder

    This app lets you find GDGs near you. It implements material theme and components, supports RTL languages and has content descriptions for talkback support and accessibility.

  • pawanharariya/Guess-Word

    Multiplayer word guessing game. One player enacts the word and the other player has to guess it. App follows MVVM architecture and uses ViewModel and LiveData.

  • pawanharariya/Mars-Land

    Mars Land is a simple demo app demonstrating the use of ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin.
