
There are 20 repositories under ultraleap topic.

  • ultraleap/UnityPlugin

    Ultraleap SDK for Unity.

  • ultraleap/UnrealPlugin

    Ultraleap SDK for the Unreal Engine.

  • ultraleap/Unity-Hand-Interaction-Experiments

    A collection of Hand Interaction Experiments using Unity and Ultraleap hand tracking

  • ThatGuyThimo/leapmotion-osc

    Leap Motion Controller finger (not hand) tracking for VRChat OSC: Using a Leap Motion Controller from Ultraleap for finger tracking in VRChat.

  • ultraleap/XR-Keyboard

    A reusable, physical XR keyboard built to be easy to use for short string entry. Made for Unity, Ultraleap hand tracking & the Interaction Engine.

  • ultraleap/leapc-python-bindings

    Gemini LeapC Python Bindings

  • ultraleap/OpenXRHandTracking

    OpenXR API layer enabling XR_EXT_hand_tracking support using Ultraleap tracking

  • PlayRecorder


    Unity scene logic recorder tool for editor and builds.

  • ultraleap/TouchFreeWebTooling

    TouchFree Web Tooling empowers developers to build touchless Web applications using Ultraleap's hand tracking technology

  • PerlinWarp/MatplotLeap

    Plotting the hand using a Leap Motion, and other data science tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7111
  • vr-app-handtracking


    Virtual Reality Application implemented as part of my Master's degree thesis. Using: Oculus Rift DK2, Leap Motion, Unity 3D, Nvidia 3D Vision glasses, hand tracking, computer-human interaction Hands are an indispensable way for humans to interact with the environment in their daily lives. To incorporate the possibility that they can interact with their hands within a virtual world, it raises the degree of immersion and provides a form of natural interaction in virtual reality applications. In this final master work, we undertake the development of a virtual reality application in which stereoscopic visualization and hand interaction are used. At same time, we compare two modes of stereoscopic visualization to determine if participants cope with any of them better. We will observe if the results indicate that regardless of gender, age, or profession, participants prefer the mode with a virtual helmet. riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/77848

  • Komposten/LeapJna

    Java bindings for the Leap Motion Gemini SDK using JNA

  • maceq687/MC-Modules

    Selection of my Pure Data projects

  • ultraleap/TouchFreeUnityTooling

    TouchFree Unity Tooling empowers developers to build touchless Unity applications using Ultraleap's hand tracking technology

  • gzoumpourlis/handtracking_hexbug

    Control a HexBug robot through hand-tracking (Leap Motion + Arduino + HexBug)

  • com.xrtk.ultraleap


    The Ultra Leap platform components for the XRTK

  • DavidDema/Hand-Pose-Estimation

    Hand Pose Estimation Nodes for ROS1 (Dockerized). Using Ultraleap3Di Stereo-IR Camera and an RGB-Camera with Mediapipe.

  • JUSEOUNGHYUN/Actuator_Drive_Controller

    액추에이터 구동컨트롤러(성균관대) (Unity3D)

  • leonkoech/SignWhisper

    Developed at MIT. Gamification of ASL learning using Ultraleap pose recording + Unity Multiplayer (NetCode)

  • Edison0215/5DOF-Robotic-Arm-Ultraleap

    Modified Ultraleap Python SDK, serial communication python code and self-written C++ code for Teensy 4.1 related to controlling AR4 robotic arm via Ultraleap hand-tracking camera for a gig project.
