There are 5 repositories under univocity topic.
Software written in Java swing and graphics library to plot charts of data from table imported from csv files.
CSV Data Validator is a tool to validate csv file. It parse csv and validate the data with .hdr(csv meta data) before ingestion to Data Lake. It checks data file availability for every day load and validate data with respective meta data like File Size, Checksum, Delimiter, Record count etc. It ensure landed data conformity before give go ahead for data ingestion to Data Lake. It generate complete stats or error log.
Project for Executor Framework implementation in Java
CSVParser is a tool to parse csv file using univocity and commons csv parsers. It cleans new line (\n) character & special characters between data. It also handle various garbage data like odd no of quotes or delimiters in side quotes. It validate each record with specified delimiter count and separate it out to _GoodRecords.CSV and _BadRecords.CSV file. This is a Data Cleaner tool to run before ingestion to Data Lake. It make sure data is in right csv format to build table on it.
This module is designed for removing unnecessary new lines characters and tabs from CSV's record using univocity parser.