
There are 77 repositories under usecallback-hook topic.

  • AmulyaMachhan/passwordGenerator

    This React + Vite Password Generator is a simple web application that allows users to generate passwords of varying lengths according to their needs. Users can customize the length of the password and choose whether to include numbers and special characters. A additionally, the application provides the functionality to copy the generated password t

  • chamithrepo/react-memoization

    Use Memoization in React with React Memo and useCallback

  • MiguelLamas/react-hooks-practice

    React Hooks Practice (9 core hooks)

  • androyt1/react-filters

    A react app with filter ,search ability and hooks

  • androyt1/users-app

    A simple react app with filtration ability

  • chandumaram/react-tutorials

    React JS tutorials by all react-hooks

  • juliavasta/Ecommerce

    E-commerce ReactJS

  • juliavasta/Rickandmorty-api

    Dynamic Rick and Morty api ReactJS

  • lokesh-sain/Password-Generator-React

    Password Generator Using React With Tailwind CSS

  • Mahdi-heydari/worldwise

    challenges : (React Router, context API, memo, useMemo, useCallback)

  • Praveen-Dsouza/Namaste_React

    Explore the React.js course by Akshay Saini, a web development expert. This comprehensive program delves into React's core concepts with detailed explanations and live examples. Perfect for beginners and those seeking advanced skills, the course covers everything from fundamentals to advanced topics. Gain confidence in building dynamic, interactive

  • rosgas/advanced-react-hooks

    Advanced react hooks notes and coding examples from the course 'React front to Back 2022'

  • SEIFSEIF4/worldwide

    WorldWideMap allow users to interact with the map by marking any desired location. Users can add personalized marks accompanied by notes and dates.

  • Sentvinsent/React-Pet-Project

    This React project is designed to practice and showcase knowledge of various concepts, including working with forms, validating user input and providing corresponding visual feedback, state management using React Hooks, creating custom hooks, and optimizing performance using memoization.

  • Sentvinsent/user-list-practice-project

    React Project to practice and showcase working with functional components, managing state with redux and redux toolkit, working with REST APIs, using NPM packages and animating React App.

  • Vivekkumar0412/Random_Password_generator

    This is a small project in which I have created a random password generator app, which have the functionality to include/exclude numbers and speacial characters, you also have an option to change the length.

  • KaranjaK/color-generator

    A random color generator provide the Hex and RGB color codes

  • Sathyaboopathi23/Food-Order-App

    Our Food order app that allows users to select dishes, customize their orders, and place them for delivery.

  • Srushti-9/react-hooks-v8

    The "react-hooks-v8" project is a collection of examples and experiments showcasing the usage of various React hooks such as useRef, useId, useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, and useReducer. Each hook is implemented in a separate file, with dedicated routes in the application to demonstrate its functionality and usage.

  • trishna456/react-quiz-application

    Experience the ultimate React quiz app! Created using dynamic components, custom react hooks, and responsive styling for an immersive quiz experience. Quiz, learn, and enjoy!

  • Glorybaranwal/task-manager

    performance -improvement using useMemo and useCallback hook

  • Hareem-Gohar/Password-Generator

    This Password Generator application, built with React and styled using Tailwind CSS, allows users to create secure and customizable passwords. With adjustable length and options to include special characters and numbers, this tool ensures password strength and versatility.

  • jordane-chaves/challenge-03-ignite-github-blog

    Ignite | ReactJS - Desafio Github Blog

  • KeerthikaReddyP/password-generator

    Password generator using react (vite)

  • krishnapraveen84/ReactHooks

    Learned the React Hooks As they are new Features added in the React 16.8 To make use the react features like Life cycle methods and state in the functional components.

  • Luiggi-piero/react-buscador-peliculas

    Buscador de películas

  • niick7/place-picker

  • QuaziSamiha/React_Bug_Fixing

  • sofiane-abou-abderrahim/react-behind-the-scenes

    Dive into the technical intricacies of React! Explore advanced concepts such as DOM updates, component functions execution, key usage in lists, and state management. Gain insights into how React schedules and batches state updates for optimal performance. Take a peek behind the scenes and elevate your React expertise! 🚀

  • sofiane-abou-abderrahim/react-place-picker-with-database

    Discover React Place Picker With Database! This repository hosts a React application that connects to a centralized backend, enabling users to access and manage shared data effortlessly. Explore the code for seamless data handling and robust error management. Don't forget to star if you find it useful! 🌟

  • sofiane-abou-abderrahim/react-quiz

    Explore the power of React with our 'React Quiz' demo project! Dive into the intricacies of managing state and effects using hooks like useState and useEffect. Witness dynamic rendering, timed responses, and state management in action. Try it now!

  • trishna456/place-finder

    Place Finder is a web application that displays places close to the user's location and allows them to select places they would like to visit or have already visited. The project leverages various advanced React concepts and hooks to manage side effects, optimize performance, and ensure a smooth user experience.

  • trishna456/vacation-places-explorer

    Vacation Places Explorer is a web application that displays places close to the user's location and allows them to select places they would like to visit or have already visited. The project leverages various advanced React concepts and hooks to manage side effects, optimize performance, and ensure a smooth user experience.
