
There are 55 repositories under usequery topic.

  • relay-tools/relay-hooks

    Use Relay as React hooks

  • olasunkanmi-SE/restaurant

    Restaurant Management System is a user-friendly web application that revolutionizes the dining experience by allowing customers to conveniently customize and place their orders directly from their smartphones. Built with NestJs and React

  • jamalsoueidan/booking-shopify-external-app

    External Shopify Booking Appointment login for staff to manage their shifts and bookings.

  • TLRKiliann/Nextjs-Dashboard

    Dashboard own craft

  • mahmoudsaeedua74/E-commorce

    This is a fully responsive E-Commerce website built with modern web technologies. The project includes essential features for an online shopping platform and delivers a seamless user experience across all devices.

  • TadeQQ/currency-converter

    Currency converter by TadeQQ

  • UlfetZakirli/React-Query-CRUD

    An example of a simple react-query to control crud operations. Using: react-query(useQuery, useMutation) hooks, bootstrap, react-router-dom, mockApi etc.

  • JuanCampbsi/frontendjr

    The project aims to consume information from an API such as pokeapi and display it in the form of cards. 👾

  • manuelsanchezweb/tutorial-react-nivel-medio

    Learn some cool tech that you can use with React

  • MustiAlparslan/Aspen-Mobile-App

    Aspen was already a design in Figma. I cloned the design, personalized it a bit, and then coded it using React Native.

  • Ranjith10/react-query

    Hooks for fetching, caching, and updating `server-state` in React applications.

  • sofiane-abou-abderrahim/react-events-tanstack-query

    Explore "React Events Tanstack Query", a demo app built with ReactJS, React Router, and Tanstack Query. 🚀 This project showcases efficient data fetching and mutations with advanced concepts like cache invalidation and optimistic updates. Features include event viewing, searching, adding, editing, and deleting.

  • sujoyghoshal/GraphQL

    GraphQL is an open source server-side technology which was developed by Facebook to optimize RESTful API calls. It is an execution engine and a data query language

  • Zico-C/Zico-C

    This project URL

  • ahmedhelm-y/first_fresh_cart

    Fresh Cart is an e-commerce website · Built using (React.js), HTML5, CSS3, React bootstrap, universe loaders, font awesome. · Authentication and protected routes and inverse. axios, react router dom,Formik and yup to set up the form and do the validation, Jwt-decod to decrypt the token,etc...

  • Antonio-Carlos-Leite/Pokedex

    Developed as part of the React module in the Web Development Course, this project aims to create an interactive Pokédex that allows you to view all Pokémon, provide details about each one, implement pagination and include a search field to find specific Pokémon.

  • brufelix/shop-list-web

  • EricBatistaDaSilva/Pokedex

    Este projeto tem como objetivo criar uma Pokédex interativa que permite visualizar todos os Pokémon, fornecer detalhes sobre cada um deles, implementar paginação e incluir um campo de busca para encontrar Pokémon específico.

  • francisco-maikel/pokedex

    Developed as part of the React module in the Web Development Course, this project aims to create an interactive Pokédex that allows you to view all Pokémon, provide details about each one, implement pagination and include a search field to find specific Pokémon.

  • Leilane18/Pokedex

    Developed as part of the React module in the Web Development Course, this project aims to create an interactive Pokédex that allows you to view all Pokémon, provide details about each one, implement pagination and include a search field to find specific Pokémon.

  • MatheusBarrosLima/Pokedex

    Developed as part of the React module in the Web Development Course, this project aims to create an interactive Pokédex that allows you to view all Pokémon, provide details about each one, implement pagination and include a search field to find specific Pokémon.

  • NathanLins12/pokedex

    Este projeto tem como objetivo criar uma Pokédex interativa que permite visualizar todos os Pokémon, fornecer detalhes sobre cada um deles, implementar paginação e incluir um campo de busca para encontrar Pokémon específico.

  • sbeou/cofeeList

    Website for a cofee build with NextJs

  • victor-0x29a/legends-wiki

    A front for RPG wiki.

  • Anuradhagupta28/buncha-assignment

    In this assignment, I have implemented product and cart pages with the ability to add and remove items. The UI follows a Figma design, and Redux manages data. A sidebar is included. It's a complex task that requires implementing actions, components, styling, and routing.

  • bruno-rodrigues-d/pizza-shop

    Pizza Shop - projeto do módulo react do curso Ignite

  • EmiRoberti77/useQuery_reactnative

    using useQuery in react native app with expo

  • EXPITC/jubelio-ecommerce

    "This is not a frontend; this is a repository designed for scalability and adaptability—ensuring a seamless UI/UX with structured coding patterns, best practices, and maintainable architecture." Once again.. let me know if you’d like any tweaks! 🍀

  • feeling-free/home-todo-list-client

    Todo List Next.js App using App Router, useQuery, useMutation

  • Jaao201/pokedex

    Este projeto tem como objetivo criar uma Pokédex interativa que permite visualizar todos os Pokémon, fornecer detalhes sobre cada um deles, implementar paginação e incluir um campo de busca para encontrar Pokémon específico.

  • JeanNesi/useQuery-with-Axios-Adapter

    Guia de Estrutura de Pastas para Utilização do Adaptador Axios com useQuery

  • MohamedAshry93/E-Commerce-Project


  • PabloAlencar7/Pokedex

    Developed as part of the React module in the Web Development Course, this project aims to create an interactive Pokédex that allows you to view all Pokémon, provide details about each one, implement pagination and include a search field to find specific Pokémon.

  • SallamRady/react-query

    learn and master react-query

  • yunyoungsik/Linkedin-Clone

    React와 tainlwind를 활용하여 제작한 웹 사이트입니다.
