There are 30 repositories under user-input-handling topic.
:rocket: A task launcher plugin for neovim allowing dynamic task configuration per directory, with optional support for debugging
Python number guessing game: Computer picks a random number, user tries to guess it. Computer gives hints (too high/low). Repeat until correct. Add difficulty levels, limited tries, or scoring for more challenge.
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a simple game where two players choose one of three options: rock, paper, or scissors. The rules are: rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. If both choose the same option, it's a tie.
Tic-Tac-Toe is a simple game where two players try to get three marks in a row on a 3x3 grid. The first player to achieve this wins. If no one does, it's a draw.
This C++ program demonstrates basic object-oriented programming principles through the implementation of a Fraction class. It includes constructors, destructor, operator overloading, and exception handling for division by zero. Users can input two fractions, and the program will calculate their sum.
Implementing a Tic-Tac-Toe game using TCP/IP client-server communication in Java. This project allows two players to connect over a network, playing the classic game in a turn-based fashion.
This project builds Hangman game (a word game) logically and with graphical representation of the hanging man.
Snake Game: A classic implementation of the popular Snake game in Java using Swing. Control the snake, eat apples, and avoid collisions to win!
The Bank Application simulates basic banking operations such as checking balance, depositing and withdrawing money, viewing previous transactions, and calculating interest on account balances. Users interact with a menu to perform various actions on their accounts.
This is a simple yet functional calculator project implemented in Python. It provides basic arithmetic operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is designed using fundamental concepts of Python programming, such as functions, user input handling, and basic error handling.
An expense tracker project in Python is a useful application that helps users keep track of our expenses and manage the budget.
An interactive web application designed to track and log workouts using geolocation and map functionalities. The app allows users to add details about their activities, such as running or cycling, and visualize their workout locations on an interactive map. This project highlights working with third-party API and user input handling.
Developing this game was my first big attempt at game development and OOP in Python, learning valuable skills in implementing game mechanics, graphics rendering, collision detection, and user input handling.
The Blind Auction Project allows users to participate in an auction where they can input their bids. The program collects user data (name and price) and stores it in a dictionary. It checks whether new bids need to be added and compares the bids to identify the highest one.
A Python-based bill splitting tool that allows users to divide the bill evenly among friends, with an optional feature to randomly exempt one person from paying.
This Python script creates a chat application using Tkinter. Users can interact with a bot that fetches info from Wikipedia, displays images from Unsplash, and downloads YouTube videos. It features logging for error handling.
This project focuses on collecting, managing, and analyzing tour-related data to enhance travel insights and planning. It helps store and process travel details efficiently using PHP and MySQL as database
Program that implements 4 common ciphers (Atbash, Caesar, Affine, & Viginere) to encode and decode messages
A simple password manager built with Python using the tkinter library. This program allows users to generate secure passwords and store them along with website and email details. The passwords are saved locally in a text file (`data.txt`) for easy retrieval.
A application that simulates a gun turret, allowing for rotation and firing projectiles.
My first project. The classic Snake game with 3 difficulty levels and a nice UI :)
Defines a model view controller system to generate plots (stories) in two ways: randomly and interactively, using data from text files.
A fun and interactive number-guessing game where the player attempts to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range. The game offers two difficulty levels—Easy and Hard—each with a different number of attempts.
Welcome to my journey in web development!! I have worked on several projects using HTML, CSS and Python (Flask) to develop interactive and functional web pages. This repository showcases my progress, including: Frontend designs using HTML & CSS Backend implementation with Flask Web applications demonstrating API usage and database integration.
The program prompts the user to input the number of nodes and edges, followed by the edges in the format of endpoints (u, v). It constructs the adjacency matrix and performs BFS traversal to visit all nodes. Finally, it displays the adjacency matrix and the BFS visit sequence of the graph.
Java implementation of MaxHeap and MinHeap data structures with sorting functionalities. The program prompts the user to input the number of nodes and their values, constructs both max and min heaps, and performs sorting to obtain ascending and descending order sorted arrays, respectively.
Java implementations of Selection Sort and Quick Sort algorithms. It sorts an array of integers first in descending order using Selection Sort, then applies Quick Sort to sort the previously sorted array in ascending order. The program then displays the input array along with both sorted arrays.
This repository contains a Java implementation of a BinaryTree class, with methods for inserting nodes and performing in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversals.
A Python tool for translating text between languages and converting the translation into audio. Using `googletrans` for translation and `gTTS` for text-to-speech, this project provides a simple way to create multilingual audio content directly in a Jupyter Notebook environment.
This repository contains a project focused on creating a voting form, demonstrating the design and functionality of an online voting system. It includes form validation and user input handling to ensure a smooth voting experience.