
There are 6 repositories under user-input-validation topic.

  • MHS-4ever/Caesar-Cipher-Text-Encryption-Decrption-Program

    This repository contains a Python application built with Tkinter for encrypting and decrypting text using the Caesar Cipher algorithm. The Caesar Cipher is a simple substitution cipher where each letter in the plaintext is shifted a certain number of places down or up the alphabet.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • atandritC/Net-Tic-Tac-Toe

    Implementing a Tic-Tac-Toe game using TCP/IP client-server communication in Java. This project allows two players to connect over a network, playing the classic game in a turn-based fashion.

  • venkatasai-08/Password_Generator

    The given Java program generates a random password and constructs an email using the provided user ID and the generated password. It utilizes predefined character sets for numbers, letters, and symbols to ensure password complexity and security.

  • jmoncayo-pursuit/project-command-line-inventory-app

    This is a Command-line Inventory Application for managing inventory. You can create new items, update items, view a list of items, see details of one item, and delete items. Additionally, a cart functionality is included to manage shopping carts.

  • KavidiDeSilva/FinalSalary

    Challenge 5. This is a Java program that calculates the final salary of an employee based on their basic salary, daily payment, and allowances deducted for EPF. It creates three threads to perform different tasks, calculates the allowances and EPF deductions, and then outputs the final salary.
