
There are 65 repositories under user-interface-design topic.

  • dscyrescotti/ShuffleIt

    A UI library for SwiftUI custom stack views with a wide range of elegant and unique shuffling, sliding and swiping behaviors.

  • audacity-themes


    Themes for Audacity 2.3+

  • Codrax/Codrut-Fluent-Design-System

    Codrut Fluent Design System is a suite of VCL components for Delphi made to mimic the design language of Windows 11. These are all standard components made to work best with each other.

  • venkat-0706/TO-DO-LIST

    "A simple, user-friendly To-Do List app to manage tasks efficiently. Features include adding, editing, and deleting tasks, along with marking them as complete. Built with " HTMS , CSS , JAVASCRIPT " this project is great for staying organized and productive. Ideal for beginners learning project management and basic CRUD operations."

  • ahmednule/Online_leave_Management_system

    Online Management Leave System is a web app that simplifies managing employee leave requests, featuring a user-friendly interface, leave balance tracking, automated notifications, and a calendar view.

  • Khus07hi/RecipeGenie-MealExplorer

    Meal/Diet Explorer : A responsive web app for discovering and saving delicious recipes tailored to your preferences. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it utilizes the Edamam API.

  • OrasanuAna/Roman_Numeral_Converter

    Convert numbers between Roman numerals and standard integers quickly and accurately with this easy-to-use tool, designed for efficiency and clarity.

  • koo5/QuadLad


  • zaminalirustemov/HoqqaQR

    HOQQA QR - QR generator app

  • AnteZovko23/University-Assignments-and-Projects

    University Programming Assignments

  • project-sekkei


    Flutter UI design tool

  • samyuii/TraveList-Planner

    TraveList Planner is a responsive React application designed to help users organize and manage their travel packing lists.

  • Abhinaykotla/Digital_Thesis_Repository

    Digital Thesis Repository is a centralized platform for storing and retrieving academic theses, streamlining access for students, faculty, and researchers. It features secure storage, efficient search functionality, and user-friendly navigation. Built with a React frontend and a Next.js backend, project ensures optimized performance and scalability

  • Interactive-rating-component


    This is a solution to the Interactive rating component challenge on Frontend Mentor.

  • aksh19cj/_UI-UX_AggieBazaar

    AggieBazaar is an online marketplace exclusively for the Texas A&M University community, designed to facilitate the buying and selling of pre-owned goods, handmade items, and more. This platform aims to create a secure and convenient environment for Aggies to engage in commerce within their community.

  • Project-Loading-Screen


    "Project Loading Screen" is a web-based application showcasing a creative and interactive display of iconic loading screens from Apple, Windows, and other popular platforms. It's designed to transform these familiar digital elements into an engaging and artistic experience.

  • jharaphula/ui-design-challenge-for-beginners

    Demo HTML page Design UI design challenge for beginners

  • jharaphula/Web-designing-Sample-main-page-HTML-CSS-Source-Codes

    This is a Sample main page designed using Visual Studio Code. index.html is the main page. Page was designed using HTML5 and CSS3.

  • marcosd59/chatbot-ui

    Este proyecto desarrolla una interfaz de usuario para un chatbot, utilizando HTML, CSS y JavaScript para facilitar su integración en cualquier sitio web.

  • Sabeer-Junaid/social-media-downloader-ui

    User Interface design for Social Media Downloading Site

  • sawsent/valorantTracker

    Valorant Tracker SPA is a client-side web application designed to help Valorant players track their gameplay statistics and performance trends using JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS. This project serves as a practical learning tool to deepen understanding of real-time data integration, API usage, and responsive web design.

  • tejalwakchoure/

    Personal Website.

  • tishajillian/Catfe

    This repository contains the source code for Catfe, a web-based application designed for a cat cafe. The Catfe project was developed by Tisha Jillian and team as part of an assignment for COMP6800001 - Human and Computer Interaction Course, demonstrating proficiency in user interface design, usability evaluation, and application of design concepts.

  • amjadelmahdy/portfolio

    Portfolio website

  • Arham7432/ is a quiz application with a structured UI, providing login, sign-up, and interactive quiz features. It ensures a seamless and engaging user experience. 🧠🐎

  • m3mentomor1/SafeBoxx.-Design

    This repo contains design mockups for a project called SafeBoxx., an automated threat-modeling mobile app designed to identify potential privacy and security threats and vulnerabilities in social media applications, including a list of countermeasures to mitigate these identified risks.

  • tishajillian/AiBrary-Prototype

    This repository contains the prototype for AiBrary, a mobile application designed as a user-friendly platform that leverages Artificial Intelligence to assist library visitors in accessing comprehensive information about library resources. This prototype was built by me as part of an assessment for COMP6065001 - Artificial Intelligence Course.

  • tishajillian/Calm-Prototype

    This repository contains the prototype for Calm, a web-based application designed as an online therapy platform (teletherapy). The Calm prototype was built by Tisha Jillian as part of an exam assessment for COMP6800001 - Human and Computer Interaction Course.

  • tishajillian/ERamen

    This repository contains the source code for ERamen, a web-based application designed for a ramen store. The ERamen project was developed by Tisha Jillian as part of an assignment for COMP6800001 - Human and Computer Interaction Course, demonstrating proficiency in user interface design, usability evaluation, and application of design concepts.

  • Alessandro624/UniCareerManager

    UniCareerManager è un'applicazione JavaFX progettata per gestire le carriere universitarie degli studenti.

  • behnam-nbt/weather-app

    Welcome to WeatherApp, your go-to weather forecasting app that delivers accurate, real-time weather updates. With WeatherApp you can easily check the current weather, get 24-hour forecasts, and stay prepared with 5-day outlooks for any location worldwide.

  • ericshantos/

    Interface de usuário para o back-end de 'moto-manager'.

  • krishnapatel18/To-Do-List-Web-App

    This repository stores my To-Do List Web-App project using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • nicholaswmin/css-gridpaper

    simple, adaptive typographic grid

  • Rajat7550/book_library

    The Flask Book Management Application allows users to manage a personal book collection by adding, listing, filtering, and searching books. Built with Flask, it features a simple interface and in-memory storage for demonstration purposes.
