
There are 19 repositories under usg-artificial-intelligence topic.

  • nasa/delta

    Deep Learning for Satellite Imagery

  • nasa/ML-airport-taxi-out

    The ML-airport-taxi-out software is developed to provide a reference implementation to serve as a research example how to train and register Machine Learning (ML) models intended for four distinct use cases: 1) unimpeded AMA taxi out, 2) unimpeded ramp taxi out, 3) impeded AMA taxi out, and 4) impeded ramp taxi out. The software is designed to point to databases which are not provided as part of the software release and thus this software is only intended to serve as an example of best practices. The software is built in python and leverages open-source libraries kedro, scikitlearn, MLFlow, and others. The software provides examples how to build three distinct pipelines for data query and save, data engineering, and data science. These pipelines enable scalable, repeatable, and maintainable development of ML models.

  • nasa/pymdptoolbox

    Markov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox for Python

  • nasa/ML-airport-configuration

    The ML-airport-configuration software is developed to provide a reference implementation to serve as a research example how to train and register Machine Learning (ML) models intended for predicting airport configuration as a time series. The software is designed to point to databases which are not provided as part of the software release and thus this software is only intended to serve as an example of best practices. The software is built in python and leverages open-source libraries kedro, scikitlearn, MLFlow, and others. The software provides examples how to build three distinct pipelines for data query and save, data engineering, and data science. These pipelines enable scalable, repeatable, and maintainable development of ML models.

  • nasa/concept-tagging-api

    Contains code for the API that takes in text and predicts concepts & keywords from a list of standardized NASA keywords. API is for exposing models created with the repository `concept-tagging-training`.

  • nasa/concept-tagging-training

    Contains code for training NLP models that takes in text and predicts concepts & keywords from a list of standardized NASA keywords. Code for the API that uses models trained by this repo is in `concept-tagging-api` repository.

  • CDCgov/NLPWorkbench

    Natural Language processing for Pathology reports on cancer histology, laterality, side, and behavior.

  • nasa/PyMKAD

  • nasa/Reinforcement-Learning-Benchmarking

    Scripts for running several OpenAI Baselines algorithms on all MuJoCo or Roboschool gym environments to compare performance.

  • nasa/ML-airport-arrival-runway

    The ML-airport-arrival-runway software is developed to provide a reference implementation to serve as a research example how to train and register Machine Learning (ML) models intended for predicting arrival runway assignments. The software is designed to point to databases which are not provided as part of the software release and thus this software is only intended to serve as an example of best practices. The software is built in python and leverages open-source libraries kedro, scikitlearn, MLFlow, and others. The software provides examples how to build three distinct pipelines for data query and save, data engineering, and data science. These pipelines enable scalable, repeatable, and maintainable development of ML models.

  • nasa/ML-airport-departure-runway

    The ML-airport-departure-runway software is developed to provide a reference implementation to serve as a research example how to train and register Machine Learning (ML) models intended for predicting departure runway assignments. The software is designed to point to databases which are not provided as part of the software release and thus this software is only intended to serve as an example of best practices. The software is built in python and leverages open-source libraries kedro, scikitlearn, MLFlow, and others. The software provides examples how to build three distinct pipelines for data query and save, data engineering, and data science. These pipelines enable scalable, repeatable, and maintainable development of ML models.

  • cdcai/premier_analysis

    A deep learning project predicting hyperinflammatory syndrome among COVID-19 patients using EHR data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5619
  • nasa/ML-airport-taxi-in

    The ML-airport-taxi-in software is developed to provide a reference implementation to serve as a research example how to train and register Machine Learning (ML) models intended for four distinct use cases: 1) unimpeded AMA taxi in, 2) unimpeded ramp taxi in, 3) impeded AMA taxi in, and 4) impeded ramp taxi in. The software is designed to point to databases which are not provided as part of the software release and thus this software is only intended to serve as an example of best practices. The software is built in python and leverages open-source libraries kedro, scikitlearn, MLFlow, and others. The software provides examples how to build three distinct pipelines for data query and save, data engineering, and data science. These pipelines enable scalable, repeatable, and maintainable development of ML models.

  • CDCgov/legionella_pneumophila_genomics

    This repository contains bioinformatics scripts and a Docker container to perform the in silico prediction of Legionella pneumophila serogroup from short read sequences using a supervised machine learning approach.

  • cdcai/NRC

    Natural language generation for discrete data in EHRs

  • cdcai/R-tensorflow-projects

    Random examples of Tensorflow in R

  • cdcai/autism_surveillance

    Text classification algorithms for autism surveillance

  • cdcai/enriched-LSTMs

    Classifying multimodal health data with LSTMs

  • cdcai/injury-autocoding

    An ensemble of BERTs for classifying injury narratives
