There are 13 repositories under var-model topic.
Projetos de modelagem e previsão de séries temporal em linguagem Python e linguagem R. Usarei vários modelos de bibliotecas e pacotes usados para tratamento, modelagem e previsão de séries temporais. Falarei um pouco sobre cada uma delas, gerarei a validação e as previsões e, por fim, realizarei a avaliação com a métricas pertinentes.
Stock market prediction on 5 italian companies using VAR model, OLS regressions and LSTM recurrent neural networks over data retrieved from Refinitiv Eikon
SMU ECON248 "Financial Market and Monetary Policy" project. A Vector Autoregression (VAR) model was used to evaluate the use of exchange rate as monetary policy to achieve Economic Growth and Price Stability in Vietnam. Data obtained from SEIC database.
MSc thesis about sales forecasting in high-dimensional contexts taking into account product relationships and promotions
Detailed implementation of various time series analysis models and concepts on real datasets.
Our Healthcare Inventory Forecasting solution uses AI-driven models to optimize inventory, reduce stockouts, and prevent overstocking in healthcare. It integrates data from sales and market trends, using ARIMA and VAR models for precise demand forecasting. With automation from OpenAI, Power BI visualizations, and chatbot support, the system enhanc
Masters Thesis Project on Media Prejudice
Forecasting COVID-19 Cases
Estimação de modelos VAR(3) e VAR(10) para 91 países no período de 1960 a 2019, a fim de testar a causalidade de Granger entre as variáveis de Poupança Interna Bruta e crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto per capita.
Empirical study examining the response of labor supply to technology shocks, contrasting the opposing findings of Gali (1999) and Christiano et al. (2003). Using data from the FREDII database, this analysis computes log labor productivity and per-capita hours for the nonfarm business sector
Modelling data using the VaR
Generate time-series data using VAR model parameters (AI@UW engr-stocks group)
Codebase for Term Paper of course ECON F244: Economics of Growth and Development at BITS Pilani, Pilani campus (Spring '21)