
There are 28 repositories under verilog-programs topic.

  • neelkshah/MIPS-Processor

    5-stage pipelined 32-bit MIPS microprocessor in Verilog

  • snbk001/Verilog-Design-Examples

    Verilog Design Examples with self checking testbenches. Half Adder, Full Adder, Mux, ALU, D Flip Flop, Sequence Detector using Mealy machine and Moore machine, Number of 1s, Binary to Gray Conversion, Up down counter, Clock Divider, PIPO, n bit universal shift register, 4 bit LFSR, Single port RAM, Dual port RAM, Synchronous FIFO, Asynchronous FIFO, 8x8 Sequential Multiplier

  • ashishrana160796/verilog-starter-tutorials

    Tutorial series on verilog with code examples. Contains basic verilog code implementations and concepts.

  • Arjun-Narula/Traffic-Light-Controller-using-Verilog

    the project includes system design of a t intersection traffic light controller and its verilog code in vivado design suite.

  • mihir8181/VerilogHDL-Codes

    Synthesizable Verilog Source Codes(DUT), Test-bench and Simulation Results.

  • Akashtailor-exe/30-days-of-verilog

    30 Days of Verilog: Dive into digital circuits with a month of Verilog coding challenges. From logic gates to FSMs, sharpen your skills and simulate your designs. Let's code and conquer circuits!

  • sarthak268/Embedded_Logic_and_Design

    This repository contains all labs done as a part of the Embedded Logic and Design course.

  • pendkeomkar/SPI

    Title : Communication Bridge between I2C and SPI Platform : RTL Coding (Verilog/System Verilog/VHDL) Duration : 1 Month Description : Both SPI and I2C are robust, stable communication protocols that are widely used in today's complex systems.The I2C bus has a minimum pin count requirement and therefore a smaller footprint on the board. The SPI bus provides a synchronized serial link with performance in MHz range.The project implements the bridge between the two protocols and serves as an interface between these two which allow direct communication and a solution to reduce development time and cost for complex embedded systems.

  • my_rtl_code


    Repository for RTL building blocks #100daysofrtl VERILOG VHDL System Verilog

  • agneepradeep/Projects

    Welcome to my GitHub repository! Here, you'll find a diverse collection of programs implemented in Java, Python, Verilog, C, C++, and MATLAB. This repository covers a broad spectrum of topics, including data structures and algorithms, providing a valuable resource for learning and reference

  • YajanaRao/Verilog

    Verilog Programs

  • amirah-sri/all_verilog

    I am trying to develop my skills through daily practice and consistency.

  • MohammedS2lah/HDLBits_Verilog_Tutorials

    Welcome to my repository, where I provide solutions to Verilog challenges from the HDLBits website

  • p4r4xor/verilog-labs

    Pin-point analysis of the questions given in labs using FPGA and ASIC design.

  • Raman1121/Verilog-Programs

    Collection of different verilog programs taught as a part of the Digital Electronics Course.

  • Raveem13/HDLbits-practice-solution

    This is a repository containing my solutions to the problem statements given on HDLBits website.

  • ddurfeeEngineer/System-Verilog-Tutorial-LFSR-

    simple system verilog example using an LFSR as the application

  • InvincibleJuggernaut/Synthesis

    A collection of digital circuits using Verilog.

  • jElhamm/Verilog-HDL-Codes-Collection

    "Repository containing a collection of Verilog code modules and test bench for digital design projects. "

  • majjitarunkumar/Verilog

    In this Verilog,I will Upload the Verilog codes for Different problem.

  • pritindra/Verilog_codes

    My ongoing practice verilog hdl codes.

  • ridhimach12/VHDL

    This repository contains various Verilog implementations of fundamental digital circuits.Each module is tested with a corresponding Testbench for simulation in EDA Playground

  • Rudra-Joshi-002/Verilog_Codes

    This Repository shows the implementation and results of various codes that I write in Verilog HDL

  • subha-ratno/Verilog-codes

    A repository containing new Verilog codes which I learn.

  • Arna-Maity/Verilog_Modules

    This repository contains a few useful Verilog modules

  • mohanadtalat91/Verilog-HDL

    A Verilog HDL code

  • nobotro/my-created-fpga-verilog-samples

    my created fpga verilog samples.

  • ubyhzargam/Verilog

    These are Verilog (HDL) codes.
