
There are 29 repositories under videoprocessing topic.

  • thomasverelst/blockcopy-video-processing-pytorch

    BlockCopy (ICCV2021) implementation in PyTorch, accelerating neural networks with block-sparse execution

  • shreyaspj20/Reliable-proctoring-AI

    In this project, we present ways to improve reliability of proctoring by generating plots of each parameter measured during the online evaluation.

  • joeljose/Eulerian-Video-Magnification

    My implementation of Eulerian Video Magnification Algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14100
  • owdmn/FFoveated

    Research framework for foveated video coding.

  • Prasanna-icefire/Vehicle_Pedestrians_detector_droneClips

    I have successfully trained custom weights to detect pedestrians/Cars/Busses/motors...etc from drone video clips!

  • Shahidzbi4213/Edzy

    A Video Editor App in Jetpack Compose Under Development.

  • hrishikeshnikam2000/Invisibility_Tshirt

    Invisiblity T-shirt using openCV

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • IamNikolayTverdokhleb/WaveDec

    Video compression codec based on wavelets

  • cbalkig/Anomaly_Detection_in_Videos

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • CineMarkup/videoproject

    Video Annotation SaaS

  • VideoEditor


    A cross-platform video processing application being developed using wxWidgets and FFMPEG. It will enable users to easily automate the production of videos that follow a particular format.

  • PresentaPulse


    PresentaPulse leverages the power of LivePortrait and Real-ESRGAN to create ultra-realistic animated portraits. Developed by Tarek Tarabichi from 2TInteractive, this tool integrates advanced AI models to enhance image quality and create stunning animations.

  • sendjasni/Real-Time-Road-Lane-Detection

    OpenCV implementation of a real time road lane detection

  • VinayakVispute/AdaptiveFlow

    Seamless adaptive video streaming with HLS-based playback. Powered by Azure, Docker, and FFmpeg for scalable processing, secure cloud storage, and global delivery. Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, and PostgreSQL for a modern UI, real-time updates, and exceptional performance.

  • abraham-ny/OpenUpscaler

    A free and open source media upscaler that works offline

  • aparolek/Rendering-Webcam-With-ASCII-Python-Terminal

    Rendering live webcam feed with the python terminal with CV2, not optimised.

  • failed33/video2pdf

    This script enables you to automatically screen a video (.mp4) for changes, select those changed frames and save them in one pdf. I created this for the purpose to go through screen recordings from teachers and extract their underlying PowerPoint presentation.

  • m8ax/Crea_Meses_De_Un_Intervalo_De_Anios_Dado_A-Video

    # Programa Para Crear Calendarios De lOS 12 Meses, Del Año Que Le Digas... Hasta El Año Que Le Digas. # Crea 12 Imágenes Por Año En El Intervalo Que Le Hemos Dicho, Una Con Cada Mes... # Si En El Intervalo Le Decimos Que Haga Calendarios De 2020 A 2022, Hará 36 Calendarios Porque Son 3 Años... # A Cada Calendario Se Le Añade El Fondo m8axfondo.png

  • Matesaktesak/cwb

    Continuous whitebalance utility

  • pranta-barua007/game-clipz

    Angular 15 Clip Sharing App

  • rapidreader/NvPipe

    NVIDIA-accelerated zero latency video compression library for interactive remoting applications

  • repo-bilalnaeem/Motion-Video-Detection

    This repository demonstrates how to combine Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks to perform human action recognition on videos. By leveraging the strengths of both CNNs and LSTMs, we can effectively tackle complex computer vision problems such as video classification.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • SunIsLost/Project-Actronix

    Project Actronix was intended to be a fork of OpenShot Video Editor. I wanted the fork to have similar look to Windows Movie Maker, but with more modern and old but useful features, I wanted it to be a complete video production and video creation package, something like blender, but targeted towards YouTubers. I have since abandoned it.

  • Jish123K/Yorisvideo

  • MahmoodAbuAwwad/Video_Straming_ffmpeg

    This work presented as Multimedia Networking course project, this was built using docker containers.

  • rapidreader/vispy


  • Solrikk/OmniView

    👁️ OmniView is an advanced video viewing and recording application that offers a range of features including real-time object detection and screenshot capturing. This project uses the OpenCV library for camera connection and video processing, ensuring smooth and high-quality video streams

  • TheFenrisLycaon/UsefulScripts

    Repository for useful scripts that I make. Read the README for highlights.
