
There are 5 repositories under virus-python topic.

  • hcn1z1/HC-RAT

    Hacker Community Remote Access Trojan

  • problemsolvewithridoy/make-your-won-computer-virus

    In this Project, I will show you how to create a harmless computer virus using Python programming language. This is a beginner-friendly project that will guide you through the process of creating a virus that doesn't cause any harm to your computer but can be a great learning experience. I will cover the basics of Python programming

  • saed-gpr/key_logger

    this key logger is connected to the robot of telegram!

  • ELMERIKH/Pwn-Builder

    just a graphical virus builder for fun 👽

  • Riot-Byte/trojan-downloader

    A trojan downloader which will download any file using a direct download link stealthily. The final size of the payload will be less than 10 mb.
