
There are 10 repositories under wallclock topic.

  • Shreyas-R/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver

    Wall panel mode for your Home Assistant Lovelace dashboard with more focus on screensaver. Configurable extension which features a fullscreen kiosk mode, image and weather-clock screensaver, screen wake lock and the ability to hide side and top bar.

  • gkiefer/home2l

    The Home2Ls - Smart Tools for a Private Home

  • gale31/ObjectDetector

    ObjectDetector uses OpenCV Haar cascade classifiers to detect different objects in images and videos with Python. For now, this repository includes my trained haar cascade classifier for detecting cars, the default haar cascade classifier for human faces (haarcascade_frontalface_default), a classifier for bananas from CodingRobin and a classifier for wallclocks which are used and tested in programs, detecting the objects from image/video, comparison between different human body parts classifiers and some other programs, which (will) help training the classifiers (for example, a program downloading the "cat box" synset images from ImageNet).

  • M_stopwatch


    package for measuring cpu and wall clock execution time

  • filinvadim/wall-clock-ticker

    Golang wall clocks ticker

  • skypoint2003/Wall-Clock

    Presenting a digital wall clock crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This interactive clock displays real-time hours, minutes, and seconds with smooth animations. Explore its elegant design and accurate timekeeping in a single HTML document.

  • 2dav/mvtime

    Every Time Zone CLI clock

  • Iffyie/AltSchoolYtProjects

    various projects I learned from yt

  • pachehitesh/Wall-Clock

    It's a CSS Clock which takes in the current time using JavaScript and upadtes the clock hands based on the current hour, minute and second.

  • szaguldo-kamaz/draw_rotated_things

    Draw rotated things (with PySimpleGUI)
