
There are 10 repositories under ward-linkage topic.

  • vaitybharati/Assignment-07-Clustering-Hierarchical-Airlines-

    Assignment-07-Clustering-Hierarchical-Airlines. Perform clustering (hierarchical) for the airlines data to obtain optimum number of clusters. Draw the inferences from the clusters obtained. Data Description: The file EastWestAirlinescontains information on passengers who belong to an airline’s frequent flier program. For each passenger the data include information on their mileage history and on different ways they accrued or spent miles in the last year. The goal is to try to identify clusters of passengers that have similar characteristics for the purpose of targeting different segments for different types of mileage offers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3102
  • GiatrasKon/Gastric-Cancer-scRNAseq-Analysis

    Recreation and enrichment of the gastric (GC) cancer single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data analysis pipeline described in the "Comprehensive analysis of metastatic gastric cancer tumour cells using single‑cell RNA‑seq" by Wang B. et. al, using the raw counts matrix they provide.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • shubhamchouksey/Unsupervised_Machine_Learning

    Introduction to Unsupervised Machine Learning, number of approaches to unsupervised learning such as K-means clustering, hierarchical agglomerative Clustering and its applications.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • vaitybharati/P29.-Unsupervised-ML---Hierarchical-Clustering-Univ.-

    Unsupervised-ML---Hierarchical-Clustering-University Data. Import libraries, Import dataset, Create Normalized data frame (considering only the numerical part of data), Create dendrograms, Create Clusters, Plot Clusters.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • avangelatos/hcluster


    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Hari-1903/Financial-Clustering

    In this project, unsupervised learning methods, particularly clustering, are employed to determine the optimal algorithm for predicting whether a company has achieved net profit or incurred a net loss.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • PatilSukanya/Assignment-07-Clustering-Q1-Airline-

    Used libraries and functions as follows:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • CHoudrouge4/ward_method

    Hierarchical Clustering

  • hafizmrf3/HierarchicalClusteringApp

    Hierarchical Clustering using Scikit-Learn

  • imehrdadmahdavi/iris-hierarchical-clustering

    Conduct hierarchical clustering on the classic Iris dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook101