
There are 185 repositories under wcf-service topic.

  • jolmari/netcore-wcf-service-proxy

    Example of consuming multiple WCF services using a proxy implementation in a ASP.NET Core Web-application.

  • SebastiaanLubbers/WF_WCF_Samples

    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Samples

  • artema/DotAmf

    .NET serializer and WCF bindings for AMF with full Flex compatibility. Just add AMF endpoints to your existing WCF services and you are ready to go.

  • VanHakobyan/WCFprojects

    :cactus:WCF:cactus: is a tool often used to implement and deploy a service-oriented architecture (SOA). It is designed using service-oriented architecture principles to support distributed computing where services have remote consumers.

  • rdrrichards/QIQO.Business.Services.Solution

    QIQO Services Solution - WCF, SimpleInjector, DAL, Console and Windows Hosts

  • lukaselmer/VFSPrototype

    A virtual file system written in C# with .NET technologies, with versioning and historization, encryption and compression, synchronization over a WCF service, a WPF GUI (MVVM).

  • channeladam/ChannelAdam.Wcf

    DEPRECATED - A .NET library that makes it easy to use WCF clients/channels and prevent memory and connection leaks by automatically correctly performing the close/abort pattern.

  • nevilparmar11/WCF-ChatApplication

    Multi User WCF Chat Application

  • vladtymo/LibraryApp

    Library Application that implement Onion Architecture with Data Access Layer, Business Logic Layer and Presentation Layer.

  • kathleenwest/ChatDemo

    This project presents a simple Chat Message Service and Client Application demonstration. The Chat Service is a self-hosted (service host) WCF application launched and managed with a simple console interface. The service prints to the console window the user activities (log on, log off) and what messages are sent to users. The client “tester” has a simplified GUI user interface to quickly demo and test the service (Windows Form Application). The GUI has features to log on, log off, send a message, and receive messages from other users on the chat service.

  • kathleenwest/FileManagerDemo

    (File Manager – A Demo of a WCF Self-Hosted Service & Client "Tester" Windows Form Application Exchanging Files) This project presents a simple File Manager Service and Client Application demonstration. The File Manager is a self-hosted (service host) WCF application launched and managed with a simple console interface. The client “tester” has a simplified GUI user interface to quickly demo and test the service (Windows Form Application).

  • RidgeX/perfmon-for-wcf

    An alternative to Windows Performance Monitor made with WCF, WPF and LiveCharts

  • tvass83/WcfDumper

    A tool to dump WCF ServiceDescription objects from live processes

  • kathleenwest/WCFStockServiceSingletonWithClientChannelFactory

    This project presents a WCF Stock Service Library (StockServiceLib) that mimics a stock exchange. The service is implemented as a “singleton” and maintains persistent data between client calls and can handle multiple client sessions. The service is hosted via a console application (StockServiceHost). The client and service participate in a bi-directional/callback relationship. The client (StockClient) uses the ChannelFactory pattern as opposed to “Add Service Reference” with SVCUTIL. The client and service share a common assembly (SharedLib) that contains the key contract and data model information. Furthermore, a Utilities project is used by the client console application to facilitate user data entry and the complicated details of building and managing the WCF ChannelFactory connection implementation. The ProxyGen class inside the Utilities project abstracts the details of implementing and managing a generic ChannelFactory connection to a generic service for a client. Note: The Utilities project library was included as base code for my lab project to facilitate speedy completion; we were not expected to code this Utilities project ourselves due to complexity and time constraints. The remaining projects in the solution (SharedLib, StockClient, StockServiceHost, and StockServiceLib), I completed individually per requirements for the lab project.

  • semyonc/OPCXMLWrapper

    OPC DA to OPC XML DA Gateway service

  • uvatmvf/EasyWcfPubSub

    WCF pub-sub

  • bioyeneye/wcf-service-sample

    Sample WCF C# project with two Windows Service as host and Console application as Client

  • brianb12321/RemotePlus

    A simple, yet complicated remote comtrol solution for the pen-testers, geeks, and nerds. It's a tool waiting in your toolbox!

  • Hatsen/Hovedopave

    Hovedopgave for datamatikerstudiet 2015

  • junersproject/PipingServer.NET

    Streaming Data Transfer Server over HTTP/HTTPS: designed for people using pipe in Unix-like OS and even for browser users. (original: https://github.com/nwtgck/piping-server)

  • MhmtMutlu/game-project

    Game Simulation with Id Verification

  • samuelarbibe/taki

    Desktop/mobile object-oriented card game, operated by a database service

  • AditModi/Food-Ordering-System

    CRUD operation for restaurant menu management using wcf services

  • e-guerrero/scrap-backend-and-frontend

    Mobile app for selling, buying, and trading used computer parts using .NET RESTful backend with MS SQL database and iOS frontend.

  • GBuenaflor/01azure-aks-apimanagement-02

    Use Azure API Management with microservices (WCF and Web API) deployed in AKS

  • geeksarray/example-for-hosting-wcf-service-in-windows-service

    This article demonstrates the required steps to host your WCF service in Windows Service and consume it in a console application.

  • Icidis/TDN.Wcf.Client

    .NET Standard WCF Client

  • kamilhan-karaismailoglu/Composite-Iterator-Proxy-TemplateMethod-State-Design-Pattern-With-WPF

    In this project; composite, iterator, proxy, template method and state design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.

  • LuisEduardoFrias/MantenimientoDeUsuario

    Aplicación de mantenimiento de usuario.

  • Mahdi7s/Photo-Gallery

    A WPF photo-sharing gallery application for beauty salons and ateliers using MVVM architecture and WCF

  • nephentes/HelpersPack

    Some helpers methods and extensions.

  • om1512/CollegeDekho

    Simplifying the college search process for students, rather than browsing through complicated user interfaces and websites, here is a simple one-stop solution made using WCF service (SOAP Based) and frontend in Web using .NET-based framework.

  • SOLIDSoftworks/Solid.AspNetCore.Extensions.Wcf

    Solid.AspNetCore.Extensions.Wcf is a library for hosting WCF services in AspNetCore. This library is built for .Net Framework 4.6.1 and above.

  • vivek306/SQLBasicUwp

    Basic SQL Server Database for UWP Apps
