
There are 6 repositories under wcf-service-demo topic.

  • kathleenwest/ChatDemo

    This project presents a simple Chat Message Service and Client Application demonstration. The Chat Service is a self-hosted (service host) WCF application launched and managed with a simple console interface. The service prints to the console window the user activities (log on, log off) and what messages are sent to users. The client “tester” has a simplified GUI user interface to quickly demo and test the service (Windows Form Application). The GUI has features to log on, log off, send a message, and receive messages from other users on the chat service.

  • kathleenwest/MyWindowsServiceDemo

    Positive Affirmations is a WCF service demo project hosted via Windows Service on a user environment. A Windows Form Application functions as a test client where users can consume the service.

  • kathleenwest/ServiceConcurrencyDemo

    Concurrency and Instancing in WCF Services – A Demo of Service Concurrency and Instancing Behaviors with Multi-threading Clients: This project presents a simple Demo WCF Service and “Tester” Client Application demonstration that implements concurrency and instancing behaviors on a service with multiple client thread calls to a method on the service. The Demo Service is a standard template WCF service application hosted by the development IIS. The service features one simple method… a test method that simulates a long running process (it sleeps for 3 seconds). The client “tester” is a simple console application that creates multiple threads that access the service and report back on the results. The objective of this project was not to demo setup and hosting of a service, nor the client interface, but retrieve and display results of service behaviors with respect to multi-threaded access. Discussion regarding the hosting and setup of the simple IIS hosted service application will be skipped in this project article.

  • kathleenwest/ServiceErrorHandlerDemo

    Simple Service Error Handler – A Demo of a WCF Self-Hosted Service & Client "Tester" Windows Form Application Exchanging Error Messages : This project presents a simple Math Service and Client Application demonstration that implements error handling on the service and communications of its errors to the client. The Math Service is a self-hosted (service host) WCF application launched and managed with a simple console interface. The client “tester” has a simplified GUI user interface to quickly demo and test the service (Windows Form Application). The GUI has features to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers (integers). The GUI does basic data validation then sends a request to the math service. After it receives the results from the math service, it displays the calculation result or any received error messages (faults) to the user. The objective of this project was not to demo a calculator application but the handling of errors on a service.

  • kathleenwest/ServiceThrottlingDemo

    Service Throttling in WCF Services – A Demo of Service Concurrency and Instance Throttling Behaviors with Multi-threading Clients: This project presents a simple Demo WCF Service and “Tester” Client Application demonstration that implements concurrency and instancing behaviors on a service with multiple client thread calls to a method on the service. The project also demos throttling service behaviors that are in the service configuration settings. Service throttling limits the client calls that could otherwise drain or slow down its service to other clients if too many are calling simultaneously. The Demo Service is a standard template WCF service application hosted by the development IIS. The service features one simple method… a test method that simulates a long running process (it sleeps for 5 seconds). The client “tester” is a simple console application that creates multiple threads that access the service and report back on the results. The objective of this project was not to demo setup and hosting of a service, nor the client interface, but retrieve and display results of service behaviors with respect to multi-threaded access. Discussion regarding the hosting and setup of the simple IIS hosted service application will be skipped in this project article.
