
There are 3 repositories under webcrawler-htmlagilitypack topic.

  • mehmetozkaya/DotnetCrawler

    DotnetCrawler is a straightforward, lightweight web crawling/scrapying library for Entity Framework Core output based on dotnet core. This library designed like other strong crawler libraries like WebMagic and Scrapy but for enabling extandable your custom requirements. Medium link : https://medium.com/@mehmetozkaya/creating-custom-web-crawler-with-dotnet-core-using-entity-framework-core-ec8d23f0ca7c

  • pontazaricardo/Webcrawler_HtmlAgilityPack

    This is an example of how to crawl a website using the (NuGet) HtmlAgilityPack and saving the results to a txt file.

  • joao2391/WebScrapingCorreios

    API em .Net Core 3.0 que utiliza HtmlAgilityPack para fazer o parser do html extraído da página dos Correios. Seus endpoints retornam informações de CEP, Endereço e Código de Rastreio
