
There are 13 repositories under webdevlopment topic.

  • ZainAli121/Django-Chat-Room

    An application named 'TopicTorch' built for study purposes where you can go, create you room and people can join it and you can share your thoughts or ideas with them and can take suggestions from them

  • AmolShelke2/user-management

    a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using React to manage users. Used a publicly available API JSONPlaceholder (https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/) to fetch a list of users.

  • ethiris01/jobify

    A Mern Stack Job Tracking Application with latest technologies

  • syamreddy99/portfolio

    A portfolio showcasing the projects and skills of Syam Prasad Reddy Penumallu, a Java Full Stack Developer passionate about building efficient and scalable applications.

  • Abhi125stack/Live-Weather-Website

    This project is a live weather website developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It fetches real-time weather updates based on city names using the OpenWeatherMap API.

  • ankita2805mishra/temperature-convertor

    Created a temperature converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can now input a temperature in Fahrenheit, and the tool will instantly display the equivalent temperatures in Celsius and Kelvin. This simple yet practical application showcases how frontend technologies can be used to build functional and user-friendly tools.

  • Anshuman-02/css-mondrian-replica

    A pure CSS recreation of the famous Mondrian painting using inline styles.

  • DevloperRupesh/DevloperRupesh

    Config files for my GitHub profile.

  • soft-dev3/leader-board

    sample design

  • ankitjhagithub21/Speech-Recognition-App

    This is a simple web application that uses the Web Speech API to recognize and process speech input. The app allows users to speak and see the recognized text on the screen.

  • codERSunny812/OIBSIP

    Repo for intership

  • KidusLegesse/AlgorithmVisualizer

    🌊 A tool that can help visualize four different graph traversal algorithms (Dijkstra's , BFS, DFS, and A*) through simulating a boat ⛵ in the ocean attempting to avoid icebergs 🏔️ while trying to find the best path to the treasure 🏆.

  • Sajiyah-Salat/ClockWeb

    This template is made by me by following codewithharry tutorial. You can use this template for prsonal use.Changes that will be make for betterment of this Template will be Appreciated
