
There are 52 repositories under well-logs topic.

  • kinverarity1/lasio

    Python library for reading and writing well data using Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files

  • dudley-fitzgerald/AutomatedWellLogCorrelation

    Framework for correlating two or more well logs using feature vectors generated from CNN's in Pytorch

  • predictatops


    Stratigraphic pick prediction via supervised machine-learning

  • JustinGOSSES/wellioviz

    d3.js v5 visualization of well logs

  • petrodc


    Petroleum Data Collector

  • andymcdgeo/las_explorer

    LAS Explorer is a Streamlit web app that allows you to understand the contents of a LAS file. Also includes the ability to identify missing data intervals.

  • vkazei/deeplogs

    Velocity model building by deep learning. Multi-CMP gathers are mapped into velocity logs.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook373018
  • WarrenWeckesser/las

    Python reader for Canadian Well Logging Society LAS (Log ASCII Standard) files.

  • JustinGOSSES/wellio.js

    JavaScript for converting well-log standard .las file format to json format

    Language:Jupyter Notebook349375
  • synthetic_well-log_polynomial_regression


    This project attempts to construct a missing well log from other available well logs, more specifically an NMR well log from the measured Gamma Ray (GR), Caliper, Resistivity logs and the interpreted porosity from a well.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook333127
  • Oslandia/QGeoloGIS

    Migrated to: https://gitlab.com/Oslandia/qgis/QGeoloGIS

  • laslibs/las-js

    Typescript/JavaScript library for parsing standard well log files (Geophysical well logs))

  • JustinGOSSES/MannvilleGroup_Strat_Hackathon

    stratigraphic machine-learning - active work moved to Predictatops

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1981617
  • RamySaleem/Machine-Predict-Lithologies-Using-Wireline-logs

    To identify lithologies, geoscientists use subsurface data such as wireline logs and petrophysical data. However, this process is often tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming. This project aims to use machine learning techniques to predict lithology from petrophysical logs, which are direct indicators of lithology.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15102
  • aruss175/DLISIO_Notebooks

    Open source, public notebooks for working with DLISIO

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11317
  • laslibs/las-py

    Python library for parsing standard well log files (Geophysical well logs)

  • luthfigeo/DTW-Stratigraphic-Correlation

    Well logs correlation using dynamic time warping

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10201
  • logASCII_viewer


    Upload well LAS (log ASCII) files and view the raw logs interactively in streamlit

  • laslibs/las-go

    Go library for parsing standard well log files (Geophysical well logs)

  • dianaceroallard/RatonBasin_Geothermal

    Raton Basin Colorado well log data collection and geothermal modeling.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6103
  • GeoArkadeep/Stresslog

    This is a program with GUI developed with python, to read well logs and model geomechanical properties.

  • almersawi/log-reader

    Node.js application for parsing, viewing and make calculations on .las files

  • daeIy/PyNPEFA

    A Python implementation of integrated prediction error filter analysis (INPEFA).

  • hydrospanner/lasio-test

    use lasio to analyze and plot digital well log files

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5201
  • luthfigeo/Litho-Classification

    Handle classification within volcanic formation using supervised learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5203
  • roguLINA/transformers_for_oil_gas

    Robust representations of oil wells' intervals via sparse attention mechanism

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5201
  • dcslagel/las-util-cpp

    LAS (Log Ascii Standard v2.0) parser in c++: beta-level-software

  • dcslagel/las-util-django

    LAS (Log Ascii Standard v2.0) web utilities and api in Django web framework : beta-level software

  • RamySaleem/Reservoir-Quality-in-Producing-Sandstones

    This project will explore, analyse and visualise publicly available wells datasets from the United States offshore data centre, the USGS boreholes website - Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) https://www.data.bsee.gov/Main/Default.aspx with a particular focus on the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) wells. This project will study sandstones quality as a reservoir, the production history of the operators on the Gulf of Mexico and a well summary report to highlight any possible problem. The reservoir quality analysis will examine relationships between average values of porosity, permeability, depth, temperature, pressure, thickness, age, and play type for data files from 2009 until 2019.The porosity plotted and shown in a wide range of plots as a function of permeability and burial depth. Also, the median (P50) porosity will be plotted against depth to examine the porosity trend. Moreover, this project will investigate the companies oil and gas production in the gulf of Mexico for the last five years. Lastly, the analysis will include an investigation of well summary reports of five wells. The project will include web scrapping to collect online well summary reports to generate a word cloud. The project results can be useful for specifying realistic distributions of parameters for both exploration risk evaluation and/or reservoir modelling by machine learning algorithms in the next project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • Ayberk-Uyanik/SGR_Logs_Interpreter

    Workflows developed for to display and interpret conventional well logs, depositional environments, sequence boundaries, heat flows, clay types, fracture intensities, and operational records

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • firasisme/GA-vs-NeuralNetwork

    [MATLAB inside] Comparative research well log prediction: Genetic algorithm vs Neural Network

  • las-js


    A zero-dependency JavaScript library for reading/parsing canadian well-log files (.Las files)

  • pafox38/Automate-the-Geo-Stuff

    Useful code for geoscientists in the energy sector. More useful code will be added over time. Special thanks to all those coders out there that helped to pave the way.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • luisteran5296/Interpretacion-automatizada-de-registros-geofisicos-de-pozos

    El objetivo de este proyecto es obtener un método tal que la computadora sea capaz de realizar una interpretación de registros geofísicos de manera automática y sin intervención humana alguna dado un set de datos que contenga registros geofísicos.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • luthfigeo/Well-Log-Data-Availability

    To check log data availability in a LAS file

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • roguLINA/Reguformer

    Robust representations of oil wells' intervals via sparse attention mechanism

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100