
There are 59 repositories under welsh topic.

  • techiaith/docker-moses-smt

    Hwyluso cyfieithu peirianyddol MosesSMT i'r Gymraeg // Making MosesSMT machine translation easier for Welsh (and other languages)

  • techiaith/docker-huggingface-stt-cy

    Adnabod lleferydd Cymraeg i'r Gymraeg gyda HuggingFace // Speech Recognition for Welsh with HuggingFace

  • techiaith/macsen

    Cod ar gyfer 'Macsen' - prototeip o gynorthwyydd digidol Cymraeg i'r Raspberry Pi // Code for 'Macsen' - a prototype Welsh language digital assistant for the Raspberry Pi

  • techiaith/pyfestival

    Amlapiwr Python C ar gyfer hwyluso rhaglennu gyda Festival | A Python C wrapper for simple coding with Festival

  • techiaith/docker-marytts

    Lleisiau synthetig cadwynedig Cymraeg gyda MaryTTS a Docker // Welsh concatenative TTS voices with MaryTTS and Docker

  • techiaith/docker-deepspeech-cy

    Hyfforddi modelau adnabod lleferydd Cymraeg gyda Mozilla DeepSpeech // Train Welsh language speech recognition models with Mozilla DeepSpeech.

  • techiaith/lecsicon-cymraeg-bangor

    Lecsicon cynhwysfawr o eirffurfiau'r Gymraeg yn seiliedig ar ddata gwirydd sillafu a gramadeg Cysill // A comprehensive lexicon of Welsh-language wordforms based on data from the Cysill spelling and grammar checker

  • CorCenCC/CyTag

    A collection of surface-level natural language processing tools for Welsh, written in Python. Includes: text segmenter; sentence splitter; tokeniser; part-of-speech (POS) tagger.

  • FabianNorbertoEscobar/Grafos

    Algoritmos de Grafos. Grafos No Dirigidos No Ponderados y Ponderados. Grafos Dirigidos Ponderados. Coloreo de Grafos con algoritmos Secuencial Aleatorio, Welsh-Powell y Matula. Algoritmos de Dijkstra, Prim, Kruskal, Floyd, Warshall. Búsqueda en Profundidad (DFS) y Búsqueda en Anchura (BFS).

  • techiaith/macsen-flutter

    Ap cynorthwyydd llais iaith Gymraeg i Android ac iOS // Welsh language voice assistant app for Android and iOS

  • techiaith/hunspell-cy

    Fersiwn wedi'i ddiweddaru o'r fersiwn Cymraeg o wirydd sillafu Hunspell. | An updated version of the Welsh version of the Hunspell spellchecker.

  • CorCenCC/wncy

    WordNet Cymraeg (WNCY) is a lexical database of Welsh words, organised into groups of synonyms ('synsets') linked to each other by a variety of types of lexico-semantic relations.

  • TuxVsDragon


    Slay a Red Dragon as Tux!

  • Myrick-Family


    A document about the history and origin of the Myrick family. (Welsh: Llewellyn (/luˈɛlɪn/))

  • techiaith/geiriadur-ynganu-bangor

    Geiriadur Ynganu Prifysgol Bangor // Bangor University Pronunciation Dictionary

  • techiaith/geiriau-mwyaf-aml

    Rhestrau geiriau mwyaf aml y Gymraeg a Saesneg // Wordlists of the most common wordforms in Welsh, and the most common English words used in Welsh.

  • techiaith/macsen-sgwrsfot

    Cydran adnabod bwriad a sgwrsfot yr ap Macsen // Intent parser and chatbot component for the Macsen app

  • techiaith/model-tagiwr-spacy-cy

    Model spaCy (2.3.2) sy'n cynnwys tagiwr rhan ymadrodd Cymraeg cychwynnol sydd â chywirdeb o 91% | A Welsh-language spaCy (2.3.2) model featuring a pos tagger that achieves 91% accuracy on unseen data.

  • ancatmara/text-reuse-test

    Testing Tracer and Passim on medieval Irish & Welsh law texts

  • AI2001_Category-Linguistics-SC-Welsh


    🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️🔠️🔢️ The linguistic:Welsh category for AI2001, containing Welsh language linguistic datasets

  • techiaith/brawddegau-tagiedig

    Corpws o frawddegau CC0 mewn fformat jsonl, gyda rhannau ymadrodd y tocynnau (geiriau etc.) wedi'u tagio â thagiau Universal Dependencies. // A Corpus of CC0 sentences in the jsonl format, tagged with Universal Dependency part-of-speech tags.

  • techiaith/lecsicon-cymraeg-bangor-enghreifftiau

    Enghreifftiau o ddefnyddio Lecsicon Cymraeg Bangor // Examples of code utilising the Bangor University Welsh language lexicon.

  • techiaith/xlsr-fine-tuning-week

    Cod cyd fynd a wythnos mireinio XLSR Facebook gyda HuggingFace ar gyfer y Gymraeg / Code for fine tuning Facebook XLSR models with HuggingFace for Welsh

  • fin-w/LibreOffice-Geiriadur-Cymraeg-Welsh-Dictionary

    Cywiro'ch ysgrifen wrth ddefnyddio LibreOffice.

  • seangraham44/Welshify

    An automated Welsh translation framework

  • techiaith/docker-coqui-tts-cy

    Lleisiau synthetig testun i leferydd dwyieithog Cymraeg a Saesneg // // Bilingual Welsh and English synthetic text to speech voices

  • techiaith/docker-marian-nmt

    Meddalwedd ac offer docker i weithio gyda Marian NMT | Software and tools for working with Marian NMT

  • techiaith/marytts

    MARY TTS -- the open-source, multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system forked for developing Welsh language TTS

  • techiaith/spacy-lang-cy

    Ffolder lang 'cy' ar gyfer ychwanegu'r Gymraeg i spaCy 2.3.2 | A 'cy' lang folder that adds Welsh to spaCy 2.3.2

  • trawsgrifiwr-arlein


    Cod gwefan Trawsgrifiwr Ar-lein gan Uned Technolegau Iaith, Prifysgol Bangor // // The code for the Trawsgrifiwr Ar-lein website by the Language Technologies Unit, Bangor University

  • techiaith/trawsgrifiwr-windows

    Ap Windows sy'n trawsgrifio lleferydd Cymraeg i destun / A Windows app that transcribes Welsh language speech to text.

  • arvinsingh/msc-project

    4D facial dynamics analysis with Welsh language fluency detection.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • gruffsion/syntheseiddydd

    Simple synthesizer with a welsh language interface, built with tone.js

  • techiaith/corpws-CC0

    Corpws o frawddegau o destun Cymraeg wedi'u trwyddedu o dan drwydded CC0 | A corpus of Welsh texts licensed under the CC0 licence

  • techiaith/hunspell-cy-llafar

    Fersiwn Cymraeg llafar o wirydd sillafu Hunspell. | Spoken Welsh version of the Hunspell spellchecker.