
There are 23 repositories under while-loops topic.

  • Python-Fundamentals


    This repository contain all the basics you need to learn Python programming

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21403
  • AntonV0/mysterious-organism

    Project #34 of Codecademy's Full Stack Engineer Career Path

  • guna7222/CompletePythonDeveloper


  • MohammedAhdal/Guess-the-Number

    This project uses the random module in Python.

  • parikshitpagare/pattern-printing-cpp

    A collection of solved problems on pattern printing based on stars, numbers, alphabets and other mixed patterns.

  • ShababAhmedd/CSE110

    This repository contains all the lab assignments done in the CSE110 course of BracU

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • somuchmoh/day7-100daysofcoding

    Day 7 of #100DaysOfCoding - Hangman game

  • Wladison-Maciel/Area-Estudo-Js

    Local onde eu e você iremos aprender JavaScript juntos

  • bscript07/SoftUni-Javascript-Basics

    Javascript for Basics course at SoftUni -Jan 2023

  • DrednaxelA/Programming-For-QA-CS-Sep-23

    Labs, exercises, exam problems & basic unit tests.

  • haid-er/C-Language

    Repository contains the codes about programming fundamentals of C Language.

  • Lstedmanfalls/Algorithms

    JavaScript and Python algorithm challenges

  • Rupasgithub/Holiday-Calculator

    Python programme calculating holiday cost

  • siddarthsingotam/School_Exercises_Python

    University challenges. Usage of important tools such as operators, lists, loops, database connections (MariaDB), functions and many packages. Pure python.

  • siri-n-shetty/C-Programming-101

    Beginner-friendly repository that provides easy-to-understand C programs

  • bell-kevin/InputValidationProject

    Create a project that asks the user for a minimum integer, then a maximum integer, then a value between those two numbers. The program needs to validate that the second number is greater than the first number, and it also needs to validate that the third number is between the first two numbers. Use 3 While loops, which will repeat over and over until the input value meets the criteria. Do not use any IF structures. Do not prompt for the input first, then test it in a While loop (priming the input) – instead, prompt for the data and read it from the scanner inside the loop. To do that, set the values for the 3 variables to something that is clearly invalid (like -1), so that the test in the While loop will always start out true. For example, if a variable named “minimum” is set to -1 when it is declared, then a While loop that tests if the minimum is less than 1 will be true, and the code inside the While loop will execute, which should prompt the user for the value, then read the data from the scanner. Note that there must be a title and your name at the top of the output. The prompts must allow the user to enter input to the right of the same line as the prompt. Note that the same prompt is repeated if the input was invalid. Once a valid number is input, the next prompt asks for new data. Be sure to include the minimum and maximum values in the prompt for the middle value. Echo the values as shown above once valid values have been entered. Take a screenshot of the running program that matches the sample session, and include the code above it. Run the program again and enter different values, with at least one invalid entry in each section, then take a screenshot of the results. Pay careful attention to the rubric for this assignment. Even if not specifically mentioned in the assignment, you are responsible for the following: Use descriptive names for all variables Add comments describing the use or meaning of variables Do NOT include literal values in any calculations, always use variables Always include a header in the output with a descriptive title and your name If asking for input, make sure the user types on the same line as the question Where sample sessions are provided, output from your project must match it Note that you must use correct formatting in the code -- appropriate indentation is most important. You can use Shift-Alt-F to have NetBeans automatically format the code correctly. If the formatting is incorrect, it will be returned to you for changes with a grade of zero. Submission: the specified screenshots and the root folder for the project Note: You need to submit the whole project for these assignments. In File Explorer, go to the location where you created the project. There will be a folder with the name of your project -- that is the root folder of the project. If you submit the root folder of the project, the instructor can run it on a different machine to grade it. If you don't submit the proper folder, it won't run on another machine, and the assignment will be marked with a zero.

  • diegomattos1408/Python-Basics-Projects

    During my studies in Introduction to Computer Science I had three challenges to build a program using the techniques that the files are named after.

  • made42/Zookeeper

    Hyperskill JetBrains Academy project - Easy

  • mikecwikielnik/Python

    Python samples that are self-taught.

  • MuhammadnAhmed/TIC_TAC_TOE

    TIC TAC TOE game using python. The game is between player and computer. #for loop #while loop #lists #classes #inheritance #super class #if else statements #tuple

  • nadiemedicejose/SeminarioProgramacion

    Desarrollo de actividades en Python durante el Seminario de Programación del Ing. Julián Flores, docente en UES.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • ZahariCheyrekov/Programming-Basics-JS

    The course includes writing entry-level programming code (basic coding skills), working with a development environment (IDE), using variables and data, operators and expressions, working with the console (reading input and printing results), using of conditional constructions (if, if-else) and loops (for, while, do-while).
