
There are 8 repositories under whole-slide-images topic.

  • liupei101/PseMix

    [IEEE TMI 2024] Pseudo-Bag Mixup Augmentation for Multiple Instance Learning-Based Whole Slide Image Classification

  • miccaiif/TOP

    [NeurIPS 2023] The Rise of AI Language Pathologists: Exploring Two-level Prompt Learning for Few-shot Weakly-supervised Whole Slide Image Classification

  • xhangchen/MRAN

    Multi-Scale Representation Attention based Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Gigapixel Whole Slide Image Analysis

  • liupei101/VLSA

    [ICLR 2025] Interpretable Vision-Language Survival Analysis with Ordinal Inductive Bias for Computational Pathology

    Language:Jupyter Notebook25202
  • Devnetly/Breast-Cancer-Classification

    This repository contains some comprehensive approaches for the purpose of classifying breast cancer tissue using whole slide images (WSIs).

  • stainlessnight/LLP-LargeBags

    Theoretical Proportion Label Perturbation for Learning from Label Proportions in Large Bags in ECAI2024.

  • daangeijs/pathology-cell-density

    A demonstration script for analyzing cell density in whole slide images (WSIs). This repository accompanies the article published on daangeijs.nl. The demo showcases how to compute cell density in detected tumor regions using WholeSlideData and GeoPandas.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • TapasKumarDutta1/HuBMAP

    Blood Vessel Instance Segmentation in Human Kidney Histology Slides: A Repository for Comprehensive Whole-Slide Image Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101