
There are 19 repositories under wildfire-management topic.

  • Theta-Limited/OpenAthena-Legacy-Python

    OpenAthena allows common drones to spot precise geodetic locations

  • GSoC


    Alaska Project Ideas, mentored by the researchers and collaborators of University of Alaska and supported by open-source entities and enthusiasts in Alaska.

  • pyro-api


    Alert Management API for wildfire prevention, detection & monitoring. Built with FastAPI & PostgreSQL

  • WorldWindEarth/wildfire

    The Wildfire Management Tool - WMT (v2.0) - a geo-browser that provides weather and fire behavior forecasts to ensure the safefy of firefighters and effective use of resources

  • Seyed-Ali-Ahmadi/FirePred

    Contains codes of the paper "FirePred: A hybrid multi-temporal convolutional neural network model for wildfire spread prediction" using environmental variables

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12220
  • a3r0id/california-live-cams

    A collection of modules to programmatically search for/download imagery from live cam feeds across the state of California.

  • spaceml-org/pyrocast

    End-to-end machine learning pipeline for the prediction of extreme and dangerous wildfires.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9800
  • BeppeMarnell/MSc-Thesis-Wildfire-prediction

    Wildfire risk assessment using remote sensing data - Prediction of Wildfires

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7301
  • MatteoM95/CEMS-Wildfire-Dataset

    A large dataset (500+ images) of past wildfire from Copernicus EMS using Sentinel-2 images in the period 2017- 2023

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6200
  • DripTorch


    Ignition pattern simulator for prescribed fire

  • wxwx1993/wildfire_mitigation

    data repository for publicly available code and data of "Low-intensity fires mitigate the risk of catastrophic wildfires in California's forests"

  • allezalex/PredictingFireSeverity

    🌳 Predicting a wildfire's severity using classification models

  • ClassiFire


    Welcome to my Wildfire capstone project. This project develops a classification model to predict wildfires management complexity levels. This is a wildfire risk, size, and impact based project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • MadIceTea/FUWRM

    Future Urban-Wildfire Risk Mapping (FUWRM), pronounced as "form". This repository holds the programming script files and some of the binaries that represent the predictive risk maps for wildfires in urban regions of Southern Victoria (AUS) and Northern California (USA) in 2030 and 2040.

  • pToolz


    Application to assist Burn Managers with Prescribed Fires

    Language:Visual Basic .NET1120
  • pch4ndra/DVHacks_Jan-2019_Automated-Wildfire-Detection-Drone-Test-Type

    DVHacks - Jan 2019 - Automated Wildfire Detection Drone Test Type

  • michaelmoubarak/radiative-forcings-of-gaseous-emissions

    Created for but not limited to boreal forest wildfires. This repository contains code to calculate the radiative forcing from dry organic matter combustion or other releases of gaseous emissions.

  • SALMANHILI/fireguard

    This project empowers communities to actively monitor and report fires using technology and publicly available data. We enhance data accessibility for various stakeholders and focus on using data insights, particularly in understanding aerosol chemistry in different fire types, to predict and prevent wildfires effectively.

  • AmirNaghibi/ForestVision

    Prevent wildfires around the globe and save our planet
