
There are 7 repositories under windowsevents topic.

  • BTPS-SecPack


    This repository contains a collection of PowerShell tools that can be utilized to protect and defend an environment based on the recommendations of multiple cyber security researchers at Microsoft. These tools were created with a small to medium size enterprise environment in mind as smaller organizations do not always have the type of funding available to overly spend on security. The goal of this project is to help add value to an smaller organizations security by creating more visibility for the average IT Administrator. Organizations with 1,000’s of devices may find that this entire suite does not apply to them.

  • thedavecarroll/PoShEvents

    PowerShell module to query Windows Event Logs and write events with structured EventData or UserData

  • ceramicskate0/SWELF

    Simple Windows Event Log Forwarder (SWELF). Its easy to use/simply works Log Forwarder and EVTX Parser. Almost in full release here at

  • criblpacks/cribl-windows-events

    This pack is targeted for collections of Window events in the Classic or newer XML format. For events in the Classic format, sometimes the Message field contains XML.

  • seryal/EventLogViewer

    Viewer for Windows Event Log

  • d4rk-d4nph3/Windows-Event-Samples

    Sample Windows Event Logs

  • sysgoblin/PSWEF

    Powershell module for Windows Event Forwarding management.
