
There are 23 repositories under windturbine topic.

  • jules-ch/wind-stats

    ☴ Statistics for your wind power projects

  • kahramankostas/Prediction-of-wind-turbine-power-generation-from-real-time-SCADA-data

    Prediction of wind turbine power generation from real-time SCADA data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9102
  • dou52885288/fault-detection

    CVA-PLSR for detecing faults in wind turbines

  • gbroques/openafpm-cad-core

    Repository containing OpenAFPM wind turbine CAD model.

  • Windsualise


    Wind Turbine Data Visualisation Interface developed at University of Strathclyde - Technology & Innovation Centre

  • G-R-Martins/OrcaFOWT

    OrcaFlex python API (OrcFxAPI) to automate pre and post processing FOWT simulations.

  • elcarpins/windTurbinePowerCoefficientModel

    The present repository shares the neural network algorithm described in the manuscript: Wind turbine power coefficient models based on neural networks and polynomial fitting. The power coefficient parameter represents the aerodynamic wind turbine efficiency. The MATLAB function can be directly downloaded as well as the polynomial coefficients. The "functionNeuralNetwork" is the code from the MATLAB Function in which a neural network has been trained with three sets of data developed with a blade element momentum algorithm covering a wind turbine range from 2 to 10 MW. The "functionPolynomialFitting" is the code from the MATLAB function similarly fitted as the NN. Both models represent the power coefficient of a wind turbine based on the pitch angle and the tip speed ratio.

  • mathieupelle/HAWC2

    Repository for wind turbine design using HAWC2S, HAWCStab2 and HAWC2. Based on the Loads, Aerodynamics and Control course at DTU.

  • mathieupelle/WTA

    Repository for the Q4 2021 assignments of the course Wind Turbine Aeroelasticity (AE4W21-14) at TU Delft.

  • jenspeterschoeler/RANS-Wake-PINN

    Code associated with the paper "RANS wake surrogate: Impact of Physics Information in Neural Networks"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • mathieupelle/RWA

    Repository for the Q3-Q4 2021 assignments of the course Rotor Wake Aerodynamics (AE4135) at TU Delft.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2106
  • nicolacalgaro89/WindTurbine

    Basic design routine for domestic wind turbine design

  • Aeolus-Framework/Simulator

    Simple electricity production and consumption simulator based on simulated weather conditions.

  • arceryz/pde-beam-equation

    Simulations of windturbine at sea subject to waves and earthquakes. Powerful animated visualiser of motes and deflection. Euler-Bernoulli beam theory.

  • insa-rouen/fast

    Personalised FAST codes based on FAST v8 with the implementation of TRD

  • kauedelazzeri/Wind-Turbine-Fault-Prediction

    database of the operation of a simulated wind turbine based on the GE 1.5s model

  • PaulHex6/Wind-turbine

    Analysis of wind turbine data for a given location

  • UNIFI-Wind-Energy/UNIFI-50kW-RWT

    Main repository for the 50 kW reference wind turbine designed by the University of Florence (Italy)

  • yifanper/Blade_Fatigue_Test_Manager

    A program to process the data in the fatigue tests of full-scale wind turbine blades.

  • amolgavit26/Wind_Turbine

    All of the parameters needed to create a wind turbine are included in this Python project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • gregsell/Windradmodell_P-Seminar

    CAD-Dateien der von mir erstellten Teile und der Code, der auf dem Arduino Nano läuft. Außerdem noch die source-Dateien für die Platine, die ich für dieses Projekt gemacht habe.


    National Wind Database Task 3

    Language:Jupyter Notebook50