
There are 10 repositories under workflow-dispatch topic.

  • PatilShreyas/library-ci

    Sample repository to demonstrate usage of GitHub Actions CI's workflow dispatch to automate publishing of a library to Maven Central

  • dispatch-workflow


    A GitHub Action to Dispatch and Discover GitHub Workflows using workflow_dispatch or repository_dispatch

  • HariSekhon/GitHub-Actions-Contexts

    Dumps GitHub Actions Contexts from different triggers. Useful for seeing undocumented context fields to use in workflows

  • GeekEast/trigger-open-pr-workflow

    Workflow to re-trigger workflow of all open PRs when base updates

  • MehraDevesh2022/TicketTracker

    "Effortlessly manage your tasks with TicketTrackr, a user-friendly web application inspired by ticketing systems like Jira. Create, edit, and prioritize tasks with color-coded tickets. Experience seamless organization and filtering based on task colors. Start simplifying your task management workflow today!

  • Andy4495/GitHub-Actions-and-act

    Summary of usage of GitHub Actions and the related tool act by nektos. Describes a fix for running Arduino compile-sketches workflow with act.

  • GeekEast/workflow-trigger-me

    Demo project for github action to trigger workflow of all open PRs after one PR merged into main

  • hrdtbs/sturdy-broccoli

    workflow dispatchを利用して指定したStorybookのVisual Regression Testをするサンプル

  • simbo/github-workflow-dispatcher

    A small HTTP server using node.js and the hapi framework, that enables you to trigger GitHub Actions workflows using simple links.

  • simenandre/setup-inputs

    🕶️ Parse GitHub Actions inputs from both `workflow_dispatch` and `repository_dispatch` events
