
There are 11 repositories under x-vector topic.

  • cvqluu/TDNN

    Time delay neural network (TDNN) implementation in Pytorch using unfold method

  • cvqluu/Factorized-TDNN

    PyTorch implementation of the Factorized TDNN (TDNN-F) from "Semi-Orthogonal Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Deep Neural Networks" and Kaldi

  • KrishnaDN/x-vector-pytorch

    Implementation of the paper "Spoken Language Recognition using X-vectors" in Pytorch

  • juanmc2005/SpeakerEmbeddingLossComparison

    Companion repository for the paper "A Comparison of Metric Learning Loss Functions for End-to-End Speaker Verification" published at SLSP 2020

    Language:Jupyter Notebook59759
  • jonasvdd/TDNN

    PyTorch implementation of a Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN)

  • shahruk10/kaldi-tflite

    Convert kaldi feature extraction and nnet3 models into Tensorflow Lite models. Currently aimed at converting kaldi's x-vector models and diarization pipelines to tensorflow models.

  • zhaoyi2/xvector-cnceleb

    kaldi based x-vector trained on Cn-Celeb

  • ArashAmani/Kurdish-Dialect-Recognition

    We extract the x-vector and i-vector of five Kurdish Dialects and use these vectors to recognition Kurdish dialects.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8110
  • jvel07/wav2vec2_patho

    Fine-tuning wav2vec2 to for Pathological Speech Processing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6111
  • jvel07/dnn_embeddings_pytorch

    DNN embeddings extraction from audio and speech recordings using PyTorch.

  • jvel07/kaldi-egs

    Custom Kaldi recipes for DNN feature extraction on public and non-public audio corpora. Medical speech and computational paralinguistics related.
