
There are 12 repositories under xcape topic.

  • valpackett/evscript

    A tiny sandboxed Dyon scripting environment for evdev input devices that lets you do e.g. xcape in Wayland | now on https://codeberg.org/valpackett/evscript

  • zsugabubus/interception-k2k

    Configurable plugin for Interception Tools (caps2esc, space2meta, tab2altgr...)

  • maricn/interception-vimproved

    Unofficial plugin for Interception Tools combining features of caps2esc and space cadet for making held space work as a special fn key. Now configurable!

  • exrok/evdoublebind

    A small linux application that via evdev, provides double bind keys: keys which are overloaded with functionality acting as a modifier when held but another key when tapped alone.

  • MatteoWickiBande/mwb-layout

    A optimized keyboard layout with layers, based on (programmer) dvorak.

  • jeebak/touchcursor-x11

    TouchCursor for Linux / X11

  • DankBSD/wf-mod2key

    xcape-like "press modifier on its own to press another key combo" plugin for Wayfire | now on https://codeberg.org/valpackett/wf-mod2key

  • tynesjo/split-rest

    Keyboard layout mod functions to permit split and at-rest hand positions by virtual means

  • madand/interception-home-row-fu

    Dual function keys for home row; with support for fast (touch) typing.

  • Arctize/scripts

    Collection of a few useful scripts, mostly bash

  • phuongfi91/xkeyboard-config

    Modified XKB data. Control_R now replace CapsLock instead of Control_L. Add rule to replace Alt_R with Hyper_R
