
There are 5 repositories under xxs topic.

  • stawuah/Guardify

    Guardify is a Node.js middleware designed to enhance the security of your web applications by setting various HTTP security headers. It is easy to integrate and customizable based on your specific security requirements.

  • jurczewski/Apache-A-score-htaccess

    Apache server configuration file .htaccess with A+ score in security on Security Report.

  • usr2r00t/XSS-Payloads

    This repository holds all the list of advanced XSS payloads that can be used in penetration testing. These payloads can be loaded into XSS scanners as well.

  • abhaywani114/JSON-PHP-Form-Handler-Data-validator

    JSON-PHP Handler & Data-validator is a php based library which provides an easy way to: Generate highly dynamic HTML forms (Using JSON). Validate the HTML form response in the backbend. Store the user data in database in the form of JSON.
