
There are 84 repositories under yfinance-api topic.

  • stockalgo/bandl

    bandl is an open-source library, provides APIs for equity stocks, derivatives, and cryptocurrencies. APIs for NSE EQ/FNO data, Nasdaq, Samco, 5Paisa, AngelBroking, Binance, and Coinbase are available.

  • ymyke/tessa

    tessa – simple, hassle-free access to price information of financial assets 📉🤓📈

  • Erfaniaa/financial-dataset-generator

    Financial Dataset Generator

  • Jatin-Goyal-552/Stock_Price_Predicton

    A web app to fetch and visualize stock data of many companies using yfinance api and chart.js. It can also predict future prices of many stocks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook23208
  • AuFeld/screener_with_fastapi

    Constructed a dashboard with FastAPI that extracts data from the yfinance API to a SQLAlchemy database.

  • arunp77/MonteCarlo-simulation

    Application to finance

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13207
  • gregyjames/insidebarscanner

    Scan every stock listed on the Nasdaq to find those with daily inside bars for trading,

  • fitzgerald-kyle/insider-training

    A machine learning project that uses insider trade data to develop a successful share-trading strategy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook60
  • bsanket16/stock-prediction

    Streamlit Web App for Stock Price Prediction

  • pinkahd/py-stocks

    A minimal stocks API wrapper of yfinance.

  • Sandy0002/Web-Application-For-Finance

    This is an extension of FINAL YEAR PROJECT in which further features such as news feed, stock analysis have been added.

  • elifsare/Mean-Reversion-Strategy

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • tt-digital/stockmarket

    Useful snippets of code for acquiring and analyzing stock market data.

  • AmirMotefaker/Stock-Market-Analysis

    Stock analysis involves comparing a company's current financial statement to its financial statements in previous years to give an investor a sense of whether the company is growing, stable, or deteriorating.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook230
  • crypter70/Stocks-Prediction

    Project to forecast stock prices using the Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • csirick2020/Analyst_Screener

    Analyst Screener for S&P500 Stocks

  • galactic-me/Stock-Sentiment-Analysis

    In today's financial market,news sentiment plays a crucial role in shaping investor behavior and influencing stock prices. By analyzing the sentiment behind stock-related news articles, investors can gain valuable insights to make informed trading decisions.We have performed sentiment analysis of the twitter data based on a whole day to analyse it.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • gilaniasher/sentiment-driven-market-analysis

    Sentiment-driven stock market analysis using Yahoo Finance, Twitter, Reddit, and NLP. CMSC320 Data Science Final Project.

  • Godhuli-De/Stock-Price-Dashboard

    Developed a interactive real-time stock price viewing and analysis application for market research.

  • ishita48/Stock_Prediction_Web_App_ML

    Predict future stock prices with this Streamlit web app. Choose a company, set the forecast period, and visualize historical data and forecasted trends. Powered by machine learning with the Prophet library. Try it now!

  • PramodRawat157/Python-Project-for-Data-Science---IBM-Data-Science

    Final Project: Analyzing Stock Performance and Building a Dashboard

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2103
  • AlaknandaA/End_to_end_ML

    my first end to end ML project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • Billie-LS/Trading_ML_Algo_Experimentation

    Variety of Jupyter Lab files examining different ML code for trading using yFinance

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • deepraj21/Predictbay

    PredictBay is an innovative project that aims to revolutionize decision-making in investment strategies through intelligent forecasting. Our platform utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to provide accurate predictions for stocks from all over the world.

  • ganeshborkar31/Equity_Market

    Developed a stock market analysis and prediction tool using neural networks and Prophet, achieving an average 0.85 R² score , providing accurate and real-time insights via Streamlit. This helps investors to enhances investment strategies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • horacioe14/stock-price-app-heroku

    Deploy Stock Price Streamlit App in Heroku

  • jacquie0583/Stocks-affects-of-Covid

    The stock market data for 4 big companies, which we expect to have performed well due to lockdown times, and some companies that we expect have suffered from the travel restrictions imposed worldwide. We clearly see a sharp drop around March 2020, across all stocks. The sharp decline in value happened way before the number of cases in the United States started to skyrocket. By the time the pandemic was sweeping across the country in full force, some stocks, like MSFT had already rebounded to levels seen before Covid. By the time the second wave was behind us, Both Msft, Netflix and Even booking were again at the same or higher levels than before Covid. Only American Airlines is still struggling to recover and is at a lower level than it was before.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • JefersonRRT/Carteira-de-acoes-vs-BOVA11---Python

    Study Project - Comparacao de carteira de acoes

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • julientoucoula17/wallet17

    Guided assets allocation within a portfolio. 📈

  • LucasRocha-Png/yfinance-timeframe-converter

    Converts your yFinance DataFrame to other timeframe.

  • martinkilombe/Python-Data-Analysis-Projects

    This repo contains a list of various data analysis projects carried out in python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • maxherre/equities-database-tool

    A simple python script to help you build and maintain a database of equities price data. Currently the script only supports daily price data for US equities traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ. For future functionality refer to the readme.

  • suchithh/PyDashboard

    Intuitive dashboard created using Python Tkinter GUI framework

  • thevickypedia/crypto-monitor

    Python script to monitor crypto currencies

  • timothewt/MyFinance

    Real-time stocks investments tracker on the web using Django (Python), React (JS) and the yfinance API.

  • TylerAdamMartinez/SIG-Dashboard-Application

    UNT SIG (Student Investment Group): The SIG Dashboard Application that Logan's 2021 Team (Svenn Mivedor and I) created takes any stock and/or cryptocurrency ticker symbol and will give you back historical statically data about the inputed ticker symbol across any length of time of your choosing. The program was designed for our peers in the SIG junior analyst program.
